Agenda item

Woolwell To The George Transport Improvements: Scheme Approval & In Principle Compulsory Purchase Order Resolution


Councillor Jonathan Drean (Cabinet Member for Transport), Paul Barnard (Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure), Philip Heseltine (Head of Transport) and Steve Flaxton (Strategic Transport Coordinator) introduced the Woolwell to The George Transport Improvements: Scheme Approval & In Principle Compulsory Purchase Order Resolution.


This report summarised the development of the Woolwell To The George (WTTG) transport Improvement Scheme (“the Scheme”) and sought approval of the preferred option and to progress to the next development stage.


The report also sought approval to -


in principle to compulsorily acquire land and rights by way of a compulsory purchase order (CPO) for the Scheme; for the progression of documents required to make a side roads order (SRO); and


to place the necessary funding required for the Scheme onto the capital programme

This would provide certainty and allow preliminary processes required for the making of a CPO to be carried out at the same time as negotiations with landowners were ongoing, thereby saving time and supporting the negotiation process. A further Cabinet decision would still need to be sought in the future to make a CPO to acquire any property interest that is required for the Scheme that cannot be secured via negotiated settlement.


The report summarised the benefits of the Scheme and the strategic importance of the Scheme in delivering the growth identified in the Plymouth & South West Devon Join Local Plan (JLP), particularly in the north of the city at Derriford and Woolwell


Having considered all information including representations received Cabinet agreed to -


1. Approve the Woolwell To The George Transport Improvements Scheme as set out in the report and Appendix C (“the General Arrangement Drawing”);


2. Allocate £33,501,475 into the capital programme funded by £19,923,910 Levelling Up Fund, £5,000,000 Section 106 contributions, £7,270,565 Local Authority Corporate Borrowing, £755,000 Capital Receipts, £552,000 Integrated Transport grant;


3. Delegate to the Service Director for Strategic Planning & Infrastructure approval of all subsequent design amendments, Scheme approval submissions, procurement and contract awards associated with developing and delivering the Woolwell To The George Transport Improvements Scheme through to construction and completion in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport;


4. Approve the principle of pursuing a Compulsory Purchase Order pursuant to sections 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980 in respect of the land neighbouring the A386 Tavistock Road and Woolwell Road, as outlined in red and cross hatched green on the CPO Resolution Area plan in Appendix D (“the Order Land”);


5. Authorise the Service Director for Strategic Planning & Infrastructure and the Head of Legal Services to negotiate to acquire all interests in the land and new rights within the Order Land by agreement and where appropriate, to agree terms for relocation, including authorisation to enter any agreement necessary for the progression of negotiations;


6. Authorise the Service Director for Strategic Planning & Infrastructure and the Head of Legal Services to make arrangements for the relocation of owners and occupiers where appropriate;


7. Approve the principle of pursing a Side Road Orders (SRO) in exercise of powers under Sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980 to carry out works to the highway in association with the proposals for the CPO;


8. Authorise the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure to authorise officers to begin preparatory work to use its compulsory purchase powers, including serving requisitions on landowners, investigating all land interests, the preparation of a Statement of Reasons and all other necessary documentation.


Supporting documents: