Committee details

Standards Committee..

Purpose of committee

The function of the Standards Committee as set out in its Terms of Reference in the Constitution at Part 4 (Other Committees, Functions, Procedures and Terms of Reference) include –

·                    To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of member code of conduct and other regulatory codes and protocols which ensure high standards of behaviour, probity and ethical conduct in public office including the following:

Ø                  Member and Officer Codes of Conduct

Ø                  Protocols relating to Members and employee relations and working practices

·                    To monitor the operation of all City Council adopted regulatory codes and protocols

·                    To promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Members and co-opted and independent Members of the City Council

·                    To assist, Members, Co-opted and Independent Members of the City Council to observe the Member’s Code of Conduct

·                    To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of a Member Code of Conduct

·                    To monitor the operation of the Council Member Code of Conduct

·                    To advise, train or arrange the training of Members, Co-opted and Independent Members of the Council on matters relating to the appropriate Member Code of Conduct and other ethics and probity issues

·                    To consider any matter referred to it allegations of any breach of any Member, Co-opted and Independent Member of the City Council of any Code of Conduct, Member/Officer Protocol, Standing Order, written Council convention or Council resolution

·                    To recommend to Council payments under Section 92 of the Local Government Act 2000 in respect of acts of maladministration


The Terms of Reference of both the Standards Committee and the Assessment Sub-Committee can be found by clicking here.


Details of the Standards Committee procedures for breaches of the members' code of conduct can be found by clicking here.


You can contact the Standards Board for England at -


The Standards Board for England publish Quarterly Statistics -


  • Councillor Mary Aspinall   
  • Roy Campbell  (Co-Optee (voting)) 
  • Corinne Farrell  (Co-Optee (voting)) 
  • Mr Pearce  (Chair) 
  • Mr John Williams  (Co-Optee (voting)) 

Contact information

Support officer: Helen Rickman, Democratic Support Officer. Email:

Postal address:
Corporate Support
Floor 1, Civic Centre

Phone: (01752) 304022

Fax: (01752) 304819


Web site: