Issue - decisions

Car Parking Charges

08/08/2022 - Parking Modernisation and Environment Plan

heCouncillor Mark Shayer presented this report to Cabinet.  Councillor Shayer advised Cabinet that section 4.9 of the plan had been withdrawn and 4.9 would address electric cars as a flat rate and all other permits would be raised in line with inflation.


Cabinet discussed:



As part of the consultation process, Plymouth City Council would be writing to partner’s such as the City Centre Company, Waterfront Partnership and disability groups. As part of the statutory consultation process Plymouth City Council would be required to advertise in local media and place notices onto lampposts across the areas it would be affecting. 17 other bodies would be consulted prior to going to public consultation;



If parking on street and have time left, you could drive to another onstreet location – looking to introduce a 24 hour stay in long stay car parks and looking to increase spaces of parking bays;



Plymouth City Council supported its travel and hospitality sector with parking and provided discounts to their customers. Work had been underway to transfer this transaction online through the hotels and guest houses;



People using parking in the city could use the Ring-go app to extend their stay time;



A trial for motorhome parking had taken place in partnership with the continental ferry operator, there had been many letters of commendation from this trial and in general motorhome parking for the city would be further looked into at the end of the summer season.   



Councillor Drean confirmed that he would look at the over subscribing of areas and the eligibility criteria for new permits and renewals for residential permits


Cabinet agreed to:-



To undertake consultation on the proposals as set out within this report, except 4.9 and to provide a report to Cabinet on conclusion of the consultation.