Issue - decisions
Young Carers & Substance Misuse Business Case
13/06/2023 - Young Carers & Substance Misuse Business Case
Councillor Mary Aspinall (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) introduced the report and highlighted:-
These services would provide an important function in the early
identification of children and young people experiencing challenges
in their lives, either through caring for a family member with, or
though their own difficulties with, drugs and alcohol;
b) The work would support children to remain with their families and communities, whilst addressing their caring responsibilities or substance misuse issues with the aim of preventing the need for more intensive and intrusive interventions.
Emma Crowther (Interim Head of Commissioning) added:-
It would be combining two services together which support children
who had a parent with substance abuse issues, and children with
substance abuse issues themselves;
There had been a significant drop in the number of estimated young
carers in Plymouth, and this is believed to be down to inaccurate
data, rather than a real drop in the number of young carers in the
city with concerns over how some young carers may feel about their
caring role being discovered, or not even realising that they were
young carers;
The team would be working with organisations across the city to
encourage young people to come forward and identify as young
f) It was important to support young carers as they are more likely to go on to be adult carers and they deserved the same opportunities as their peers.
In response to questions, it was explained:-
g) The team would encourage current providers to work together to provide the new service.
Cabinet agreed:-
That a procurement of young carers and substance misuse services
was carried out, to have new contracts in place for 1st April
That the procurement would have two Lots. The new contracts would
be for 5+3+3 years and would commence on 1st April 2024. The
anticipated end of the contracts with all extensions invoked was
3. That the award of the contracts for the services was delegated to the Strategic Director for People.