Issue - decisions
Licensing Act 2003 - Statement of Licensing Policy 2024 - 2029
09/01/2024 - Licensing Act 2003 - Statement of Licensing Policy 2024 - 2029
Councillor Haydon (Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Libraries, Cemeteries and Crematoria) introduced the report and highlighted the following points:
It was a statutory requirement to review the licensing policy every
five years;
Amendments that had been made since the COVID-19 outbreak included
premises offering alcohol delivery services;
In light of Martin’s Law, all public venues would be held
responsible for certain locations in the event of threat and
terrorism and would implement appropriate measures if
Graham Hooper (Senior Officer for Intelligence and Licensing) added:
d) Support for the Community Alcohol Partnership had been inserted into the policy, which would show the industry’s commitment to responsible drinking.
Cabinet agreed to recommend to City Council:
1. That the draft Licensing Statement of the Policy (contained in Appendix A) was adopted with effect from 31 March 2024.
Councillor Coker returned to the meeting at 2.57 pm.