Issue - decisions


18/01/2013 - Windsor House Co-location with Health

The Director for Corporate Services submitted a written report on proposals for the co-location of the health Western Locality Client Commissioning Group at Windsor House to facilitate major changes for health and social care. Both organisations had agreed on –

·         sharing an ICT system;

·         utilisation of existing parking;

·         Heads of Terms for the occupation of the building by health staff;

·         the future of buildings 1, 2 and 6B at Derriford Business Park from where health staff currently operated;

·         the level of refurbishment as part of re-modelling;

·         financial implications to both parties.


The report was required to be treated as an urgent key decision due to the need to conclude the purchase of buildings 1 and 2 prior to the transfer of all health assets into the NHS property services company and agreement had been given by the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board. 


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) presented the report and revised recommendations, as circulated.  The Chair congratulated the capital and assets team on the achievement of this outcome.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed, subject to the approval of the recommendation to the City Council, –


(1)  works required to implement co-location at Windsor House with the Western Locality Client Commissioning Group at a net cost to the council of £0.369m;


(2)  the purchase of the leases of buildings 1 and 2 at Derriford Business Park at a cost of £0.900m.