Issue - decisions



Councillor Mrs Aspinall (Chair of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group) attended the meeting and presented the recommendations in the scrutiny report on the Strategic Alcohol Plan for Plymouth following the pre-decision scrutiny.    


The Chair advised Cabinet Members that Councillor James (Chair of the Cooperative Scrutiny Board) had also been invited to attend the meeting but had declined the invitation.


Carole Burgoyne (Director for People) submitted a report on the draft Strategic Alcohol Plan for Plymouth 2013 -18 ‘Promote Responsibility, Minimise Harm.’ indicating that -



the plan would sit under the governance of the Health and Wellbeing Board;



an annual delivery plan would be produced outlining a partnership programme of actions;




the recommendations from the scrutiny report had either been incorporated into the draft plan or would be incorporated into the detail of the delivery plans.  


Councillor McDonald (Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care) introduced the proposals and thanked the Cabinet Members for their support during the development proposals.


David Schwartz (Young People’s Lead) also commented on the proposals.  Following consideration of performance measures, the Cabinet Member would monitor the progress.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


The Chair thanked Councillor Mrs Aspinall, members of the task and finish group and all the witnesses who had participated in the scrutiny review for their work. 


Agreed that approval is given to the Strategic Alcohol Plan 2013 -2018 as submitted.