Issue - decisions

Improving quality in dementia care

09/08/2013 - Improving quality in dementia care

Further to the Cabinet meeting on 15 January 2013 (minute 127 (2012/13) referred) which asked officers to undertake inclusive and meaningful consultation with service users, families and carers on proposals relating to dementia care, Carole Burgoyne (Director for People) submitted a written report on the outcome of the consultation process and making a series of recommendations on “Improving Quality in Dementia Care”.


Councillor McDonald (Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care) presented the proposals in the written reportand in addition reported that -



the consultation process had been reviewed by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel and the process had been found to be robust;


if Lakeside was upgraded, there would also be a loss of 50 per cent of the beds due to the increased facilities required;


many providers across the city had achieved the dementia quality mark for services.


Debbie Butcher (Head of Safeguarding, Quality and Individual Placements) also reported on the proposals and emphasised that people would be supported through the transition period.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed that –



the council de-commission Lakeside over the next 12 months and support residents and their families and advocates to move to alternative homes of their choice; 


taking into account feedback from consultation, an exception is made to the general policy that no person currently residing in a Plymouth City Council owned residential care home will have to move if they wish to stay there; 


the council will ensure there is support for families and users throughout this process;



Lakeside Residential Care Home shall immediately stop taking new long term admissions.