Issue - decisions



Anthony Payne (Director for Place) submitted a report seeking approval for a number of land transactions that would enable significant development in the north of Plymouth, including a new Seaton Neighbourhood, Forder Valley Link Road, Community Park and a new two form entry primary school. 


A separate private report was also submitted which contained commercially sensitive information and was referred to in minute 83 below.


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced the proposals which had secured £4m of funding for the new school, included 873 new homes which would attract £8.3m of New Homes Bonus, new local shops, 275 construction jobs, Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy payments in addition to the link road and community park, totalling £21m.  


Councillor Williams (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) welcomed the proposal for a new school in particular.


Cabinet Members thanked Matt Ward (Principal Surveyor) and David James (Head of Strategic Development Projects) for their hard work and paid tribute to the whole team for their work on the proposals presented today.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreedin accordancewith the detailsprovidedin the report,



that subjectto planningconsentbeing grantedfor eitherthe SeatonNeighbourhoodor a new primaryschoolon the NHS site,the Council acquirethe freeholdof theNHS land,with the abilityto granta temporarylicenceto the NHS toallow possiblecontinued useof thesitefor temporarycarparking; 


that the Councilacquirethe freeholdof the Ministry of Defence land;


that the Councilacquire a 999-yearleaseof the CommunityPark;



the Councilenter aconditionalsaleagreementwith KDRfor the saleof theexistingPCC land,the Ministry of Defence land and forthe southernpartoftheNHS land;


that the Councilenter intoa PutandCallOptionagreementwith KDRforapproximately1.22 acresof landcurrentlyowned bythe NHS;


that the Councilenter intoanoptionagreementwith KDRfor the landnecessaryfor the constructionof the ForderValley LinkRoad;


that the Directorfor Place in consultationwith the Cabinet Member forFinancemayagreeany additionalor supplementarylegaland estatesissuesassociatedwith this projectthat mayarise priorto completionof the relevantlegaldocumentation.This mayinclude, but is notlimited to, the agreementof revisedconsiderationfor the saleor acquisitionof landdue eitherto re- measurementor amendmentof the extent ofthe landto be transferredor dueto any amendmentsto the equalisationprice,providedthat they aresupportedby a formalvaluation fromthe Council’s externalRICSvaluer;


the acquisitionof theNHS landandthe associateduseof a loan fromthe Council’s InvestmentFund of£2.170m, subject to Council approval.


Recommendations1 – 6 are subject toa satisfactoryreportontitle andallothernecessarylegal agreementsbeing inplace(including, but notlimited to,agreementsfor the onwardsaleof landfrom KDRto BarrattHomesandits developmentpartneror toanalternativedeveloper (ordevelopers) nominatedby KDR).


Recommendations2 – 6 are alsosubject toplanningconsentbeing grantedfor the SeatonNeighbourhood(includingexpiryof the judicialreviewperiod).