Issue - decisions



Anthony Payne (Director for Place) submitted a report on the city celebrations and events in 2014, the benefits to the city of hosting these events and seeking approval of a financial commitment to facilitate these significant celebration events including the 350th anniversary event of the Royal Marines on the Hoe in July 2014.


Councillor Peter Smith (Deputy Leader) introduced the proposals and indicated that the visitor economy was worth £307m to the city.  In order to support the event for the Royal Marines, infrastructure would be required on the Hoe, costs for which would be covered through ticket and commercial sales.  During the same week, it was proposed to hold a celebration music event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the City of Plymouth.  The additional revenue budget required to deliver these events was £395k.


David Draffan (Assistant Director for Economic Development) reported that the programme of events demonstrated the city’s commitment to culture and hoped that the public would support the events. Amanda Lumley (Chief Executive, Destination Plymouth) and Jamie Yabsley (Visitor and Events Manager) also attended the meeting for this item.


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) also referred to the recent announcement that the city would be hosting a stopover for the sailing event La Solitaire du Figaro, which had received significant media coverage and could attract 10,000 visitors per day. 


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreedadditional funding of £395,000 to support a major series of events in 2014 including the Royal Marines 350th anniversary celebrations and a major musical event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the City.


(Following the meeting, the Council was in discussion with a key third party promoter for the event who was insisting that in order to secure the national/ international promotion of the events they required the contracts signed by 18 December 2013.  Accordingly, in the interests of the Council and the public, and with the consent of Councillor James (Chair of the Co-operative Scrutiny Board) and Councillor Evans (Council Leader), the decision was implemented on 16 December 2013).