Issue - decisions



David Trussler (Interim Strategic Director for Corporate Services) submitted a report –


·         summarising the context and drivers for the Transformation Programme, the Council’s Blueprint and the Programme’s governance arrangements;

·         setting out the project and programme summaries for each of the five transformation programmes where savings are to be delivered during 2014-15.  These include the strategic case, aims, scope and costs and benefits for the programme, with summaries of specific projects within each programme;

·         including Outline Business Cases for each of the five transformation programmes, summarising the management and financial cases by programme, risk and compliance issues and guiding principles and methodologies.


Councillor Williams, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People (with responsibility for Transformation), introduced the report.


Alternative Options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Reasons for urgency and taking outside of the Forward Plan -


Programme and Project summaries for the 2014-15 phase of the Transformation Programme have just been completed.  An urgent decision is now needed to ensure that Cabinet endorses Transformation recommendations and allows the Co-operative Scrutiny Board to commence scrutiny before the end of the municipal year.


Agreed that Cabinet -




endorse the expenditure and actions taken to date by officers in 2013/14 in preparation and implementation of the council’s transformation programme;




endorse the Programme and Project Summaries for 2014-15 and Outline Business Cases for the Transformation Programme so that they can be developed into full Business Cases for further consideration;




endorse the Strategic Principles of the Council’s Blueprint at Appendix A;




note that the following agreements have been incorporated within the overall transformation programme:





co-location with Health initiative, agreed by Cabinet in January 2013, is built into the Outline Business Case for Integrated Approach to Health and Wellbeing;





the Redevelopment of the Civic Centre and future accommodation requirements initiative, agreed by Cabinet in September 2013, is built into the Outline Business Case for People and Organisational Development;





the Investment in Customer Transformation and Core ICT infrastructure, agreed by Cabinet in September 2012, is built into the Outline Business Case for Customer and Service Transformation;





the ICT Shared Services DELT proposal, agreed by Cabinet in October 2013, is built into the Outline Business Case for the Co-operative Centre of Operations;




asks the Co-operative Scrutiny Board to review the Programme and Project summaries and Outline Business Cases for the Transformation Programme to ensure that the Board and Panels are able to play an active part in supporting and challenging the programme as it develops;




notes that an independent review is being commissioned to appraise the overall status of the transformation programme including an opinion as to the achievability of the benefits, and that this work will be undertaken over the next three months.