Issue - decisions



Malcolm Coe (Assistant Director for Finance) submitted the final financial outturn report for 2013/14, which detailed the financial monitoring position of the Council as at 31March 2014.


The report -



proposed a number of adjustments to the financial accounts following the financial health review always undertaken by the Section 151 Officer at the end of the year;    


indicated that decisions made by Cabinet would feed into the Council’s annual Statement of Accounts which was subject to external audit;   



advised that following approval there would a requirement for a transfer from the working balance leaving a net working balance of £10.739m at 31 March 2014;  



detailed the revenue position for the end of the year (assuming Cabinet approval of the proposals in the report) which was a net spend of £212.618m; 


provided the final capital outturn position for 2013/14 which was  £47.2174m.


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced the report which reflected a balanced budget at year end and advised that the measures put in place would provide a firm base to meet the challenges ahead. In order to alleviate some of the funding pressures and to provide additional support for adult social care services, he proposed a further recommendation asking the Chief Executive, to meet with himself and Councillor Tuffin (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) to review the budget and to report back to Cabinet on any findings.


The report would also be referred to the Co-operative Scrutiny Board and the City Council.


Alternative options considered and reasons for the decision


As set out in the report and as stated above.





that the provisional outturn position as at 31 March 2014 is noted;  


that the additional, unbudgeted income, included as part of the ‘Corporate Health Adjustments’ for 2013/14 from -   



 The Devon-wide Business Rates Pool    




Small Business Rates Relief



is noted;


the additional transfers to and from reserves reflected in the ‘Corporate Health Adjustments’ within the outturn figures -



transfer to Pensions Reserve




transfer to Redundancy Reserve




creation of a Skills Agenda Reserve




creation of a 100th Year Celebration Reserve




reduce the Insurance Reserve  



that the adjusted revenue deficit for the year of £0.58m is noted and is met by a transfer from the General Fund Working Balance;


the following net nil transfers between reserves and provisions - 



reduce Bad Debt Provision




creation of a ‘City Deal for Young People’ Reserve




transfer to Waste Reserve



the following net nil transfers between reserves and provisions to top up the Transformation Reserve created in March 2013 -



reduce Icelandic Bank Reserve




delete Job Evaluation Contingency Reserve




reduce Job Evaluation / Equal Pay Reserve




delete Job Evaluation / Equal Pay Administration Reserve




delete VAT Repayment Reserve




delete Invest to Save Reserve




transfer to Transformation Reserve



that the capital financing requirement of £47.217m is noted and the borrowing requirement of £4.545m for 2013/14 is approved. 



that the re-profiling changes to the capital programme identified during the outturn process, subsequent to Council approval in February 2014, is noted.   


that the Chief Executive meets with Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) and Councillor Tuffin (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) to review the budget with a view to providing additional support for adult social care and to report back to Cabinet on any findings.