Issue - decisions



Carole Burgoyne (Strategic Director for People) submitted a report on the Integrated Community Health and Social Care Delivery project, which formed part of the Integrated Health and Well Being transformation programme, together with the full business case which set out how Plymouth City Council and Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG) proposed to take forward Integrated Community Health and Social Care Delivery, in line with the Health and Wellbeing Board’s vision of achieving integration by 2016.


It was anticipated that by further developing an integrated approach to service delivery, citizens of Plymouth would have improved access to the right support, at the right time and by the right person. This would remove current duplication and support statutory services to meet the growing demand of complex health and social care need across the city


Councillor Tuffin (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) introduced the proposals.


The recommendations of the Caring Plymouth Co-operative Scrutiny Review Group were noted.


Judith Harwood (Assistant Director for Education, Learning and Families, Craig McArdle (Head of Co-operative Commissioning), Craig Williams, (Interim Programme Manager for Integrated Health and Wellbeing) and Nicky Jones (Commissioning Lead, West Locality NEW Devon CCG) also attended the meeting.


Alternative options considered and the reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Plymouth City Council and NEW Devon CCG being minded to integrate health and social care services, Agreed that –



Plymouth City Council works with NEW Devon CCG to develop a Section 75 agreement that pools relevant Adult Social Care and CCG budgets to facilitate the creation of a single community health and social care delivery model;


Plymouth City Council works with NEW Devon CCG to develop robust governance, contractual and financial systems that provide appropriate assurance to both organisations;


Plymouth City Council works with NEW Devon CCG and Plymouth Community Healthcare (PCH) as the incumbent local community health provider, on developing and evaluating options for the integration of Community Health and Adult Social service delivery in the City by April 2015;


to consult with staff, unions and stakeholders in developing the new service model;


the final position to be presented to Cabinet and NEW Devon CCG Governing Body in November 2014 for decision.