Issue - decisions



Tracey Lee (Chief Executive) and Anthony Payne (Strategic Director for Place) submitted a report seeking approval of the draft Plymouth Plan (Part One) for consultation purposes.   


The report indicated that –



thePlymouthPlanaimedtobe asinglestrategicplanfor Plymouth,settinga shareddirectionof travel for thecity which looked ahead to 2031 and whichtheCouncilanditspartnerswould usetoguidetheirserviceanddeliveryplanning. The document would bringtogethera rangeof statutoryandnon-statutorystrategiesandplansintoa singleintegratedplan;


the planwould be publishedin twoparts. PartOnewould comprisethecity’soverarchingvision,strategicobjectivesandthethematicandspatialpoliciesof theplan. PartTwowould identifyareaandsitespecificpoliciesacrossthecity and would be publishedfor consultationpurposesnextautumn;


theplanwould be aninteractiveweb basedplan,althougha fulldocumentstyleplanwould alsobe available.Thiswould be particularlyimportantforitsuseasthecity’sstatutorydevelopmentplan;


an extensive communityandpartnerengagementprocess had already been undertaken, culminating in the recent Plymouth Plan Connections Programme during which justunder1000 representations had been received.  All of the representations received since work on the plan commenced in 2013 hadhelped toshapethecontentof thedraftplan;


ifapproved,a further programmeof communityandpartnerengagementwould be undertaken,commencingatthebeginningof January which would further test the content of the draft plan andhelp to developtheinteractiveportal.


Councillor Vincent (Cabinet Member for Environment) introduced the draft plan and thanked all the staff for their tireless work. 


Paul Barnard (Assistant Director for Planning and Infrastructure), Jonathan Bell (Head of Development Planning) and Richard Grant (Local Planning Manager) and Caroline Marr (Policy and Business Planning Officer) attended the meeting.


Cabinet Members were advised that the process would be -



Publication of Plymouth Plan (Part One)

21 January 2015


Consultation on the strategic framework

January to March 2015


Plymouth Plan (Part One) approved

By June 2015


Draft Plymouth Plan (Part Two) published 

By September 2015


Single Plymouth Plan published for representations 

By January 2016


Submission of Plymouth Plan

By April 2016


Public Examination

By July 2016



By February 2017




On behalf of Cabinet, Councillor Evans (Council Leader) thanked everyone who had had an input into the draft document and thanked the Strategic Planning Team for their work.  


Alternative options considered and the reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed -



thedraftPlymouthPlan(PartOne)for consultationpurposesandtheprogrammeof communityandpartnerengagementtohelpshapethefinalversionof theplan;


theuseof thedraftPlymouthPlan(PartOne)asa materialconsiderationfor themakingof planningdecisions;


to recommend that,aspartof theconsultationprocess,theCo-operativeScrutinyBoardconsidersthePlymouthPlanandallocatesmodules toitsconstituentpanelsfor furtherscrutinywheredeemed appropriate.