Issue - decisions



Anthony Payne (Strategic Director for Place) submitted a report –



seeking endorsement of the principles and overall approach of the Plymouth City Centre Company Business Improvement District (BID) and their Business Plan for 2015 to 2020;


setting out the proposed City Council’s financial and in kind support at a total value of support, cash, in kind commitments and BID levy payments over five years of £3,137,500; 


indicating that further capital support had also been requested over the initial £1,000,000 plus over the next five years subject to funding and business cases which would supplement the improvements at Frankfort Gate and further City Market refurbishments;  


indicating that matched with City Council, property owners and other financial contributors funding, it was projected that a sum in the region of £8,652,500 would be generated during the five year term of the BID including cash and in kind;  


on the ballot and voting arrangements. 


Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced the proposals and stressed that the City Centre was highly important to the City Council and as an economic and jobs driver for the city itself.  The Council had committed up to £5m of funding over the next five years to key city centre projects including a new coach hub, development of the £24million Plymouth International History Centre, the new Drake’s Leisure and cinema complex at Bretonside and the new First Stop facility in Cornwall Street.  He advised that if the City Centre BID ballot was successful, further investment would be brought in by the City Centre Company.


Councillor Evans (Council Leader) welcomed Douglas Fletcher (Chair of the City Centre Company), Stefan Krause (City Centre Manager) and Amanda Lumley (Chief Executive Officer, Destination Plymouth) to the meeting in addition to David Draffan (Assistant Director for Economic Development) and Chris Grace (Head of Economy, Enterprise and Employment) who also attended the meeting for this item. 


Stefan Krause and Doug Fletcher advised that –



the focus of the new BID was on step change and major improvements to move it forward as a key shopping and community destination.  Partnership was crucial to success of the BID and the support of the City Council was and would continue to be very valuable in this respect;  


the proposals for the new BID business plan would be signed off by the City Centre Board on 10 December 2014;


shopping and entertainment was important as a key economic and employment driver and events in the city centre needed to be improved and established as regular tourist attractions.


Amanda Lumley also stressed the importance of shopping to the city (40 per cent of visitors cite shopping as a key activity) and advised that Destination Plymouth supported the BID and the City Centre as a retail destination in its own right.          


Councillor Evans thanked Doug Fletcher for his commitment to the City Centre and for his drive, enthusiasm and support.     


Alternative options considered and the reasons for the decision


As set out in the report.


Agreed -



to continue to endorse the principles and overall approach of the Plymouth City Centre Company BID and their Business Plan for 2015 to 2020;


the City Council’s financial and in kind contributions as set out in this report and to demonstrate continued commitment to the City Centre company BID at existing levels through the proposed BID Concordat and Contract for the provision of services within the Plymouth City Centre Business Improvement area;


to authorise the City Council Chief Executive as returning officer to instruct a Ballot Holder to undertake a ballot of appropriate businesses within the City Centre Company Business Improvement District area;


to delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to vote on behalf of the City Council in the Plymouth City Centre Company Business Improvement District ballot;


to delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to approve the Plymouth City Centre Company Business Improvement District Contract provided that it accords with the general principles set out in this report.