Issue - decisions

City Centre Business Improvement District 2020-2025

08/10/2019 - City Centre Business Improvement District 2020-2025

Councillor Lowry, Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report on the City Centre BID.


The report set out Plymouth City Council’s rationale and support for the renewal of the Plymouth City Centre Company (CCC) Business Improvement District for 2020-25.


Following a discussion, Cabinet agreed to:


·         Endorse the principles and overall approach of the Plymouth City Centre Company BID and their Business Plan for 2020 to 2025.

·         Approve the City Council’s financial and in kind contributions as set out in this report (totalling £672,500) and to demonstrate its continued commitment to the City Centre Company BID at existing levels through the proposed BID Concordat and Contract for the provision of services within the Plymouth City Centre Business Improvement District area.

·         Authorise the City Council Chief Executive as returning officer to instruct a Ballot Holder to undertake a ballot of appropriate businesses within the City Centre Company Business Improvement District area.

·         Delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to vote on behalf of the City Council in the Plymouth City Centre Company Business Improvement District ballot.

·         Delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to approve the Plymouth City Centre Company Business Improvement District Contract provided that it accords with the general principles set out in this report.

·         PCC is already committed to funding the City Centre Company, through its Medium Term Financial Strategy, so no new funding commitments are requested.

·         Not exercise their right of veto.