Register of interests

Councillor Sue Dann

This register of interests was published on Thursday 30 May 2024, 3.03 pm.

I Councillor Sue Dann a member of Plymouth City Council give notice that -

I have set out below my disclosable pecuniary interests which I am required to notify under the above legislation.*

1. 1 Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation.
Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation.
Spouse - retired/councillor
Family Member employed by the NHS/ICB on an IT project, employed through DELT Shared Services LTD
2. 2 Sponsorship
3. 3 Contracts with the Council
Contracts with the Council
4. 4 Land in the area of authority
Owns property in Plymouth
5. 5 Licences to occupy land
Licenced Land
6. 6 Corporate Tenancies
7. 7 Securities

Here are my private interests:

8. 8 Organisations where I am a member of or involved in its management
8 Organisations where I am a member of or involved in its management
Plymouth Community Homes Board Member (shareholder)
Friends of Tothill Park
Chair of Governors of Plympton Academy
9. 9 Organisations that I have been appointed to by the Council
9 Organisations that I have been appointed to by the Council
East End Development Trust Ltd
Plymouth Waterfront Partnership Advisory Board
South West Coastal and Flood Relief Committee
Mount Batten Sailing and Water Sports Centre Board including Mount Batten Park Limited and Mount Batten Centre Charity Trust – Director