11/09/2023 - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24 - 2027/28 ref: 4298 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 19/09/2023
In Councillor Mark Lowry’s absence, Councillor Chris Penberthy (Cabinet Member for Housing, Cooperative Development and Communities) introduced the item:
The document
provided the strategic framework that linked the
Council’s revenue budget, capital program,
treasury management strategyand the capital
strategy for the following 5
The LGA, and
would all recommend that each administration took
such a plan to Council for approval, but the last one had been by
the previous Labour
administration in 2018;
The plan considered that
the budget had already been set for 2023/24 and that the latter
years were provided for
illustrative purposes;
The strategy set out the
financial principles and objectives, whilst working to deliver the
priorities of the corporate plan;
The report showed a
forecasted £11.2 million funding gap for 2024/25 that would
need to be closed as part of the budget process, and over 5 years
there was a £185 million
Inflation, increase fuel
costs and the cost of living crisis
were impacting the
council as well as additional
pressures in adult social care, children’s
social care and support for the homeless;
It was unknown what
action Government would take to deliver reform to local government
funding as there had been a change in the majority
of funding no longer coming
from Government, but instead from local
The budget included an
additional £2.6 million to , as
well as £1.5 of one-off allocations
used to balance the 2023/24 budget which needed to be
There was a need to find
new ways to provide services, to work with partners wherever
possible, to do things more efficiently, to make the most of the
Council’s assets, focus and clarity on
organisational purpose to reform the Children’s
The Place directorate
would continue to prioritise growth
to ensure the
The People directorate
would continue to work on reducing demand for homelessness services
through early intervention and prevention as well as improvements
in access to health care and improvement of
outcomes for those leaving
Transformation and
Customer Support Services would continue to
play a key role in supporting demand-led services, with finance,
legal, procurement and HR all due to review
their own operating
m) The plan containeda very clear ambition in the capital program to invest in and transform the city and thanked Councillor Lowry for his work on the plan.
David Northey (Interim Section 151 Officer) added:
He had made a commitment
to create a medium-term financial plan at Audit and Governance
Committee, and it had been a recommendation from the last budget
scrutiny meetings;
o) The figures and information would change as the years progressed.
response to it was
The plan should be reviewed in the mid-term of the
following financial year as it would inform and update the
The council were trying
to deliver the same services
with less funding from Government, which is what was
primarily causing increases in council and this was being
picked up by national media, and similar
issues were being experienced across the country;
David Northey would be
attending a DLUHC meeting later that
week where they wanted to understand more about what was
‘happening on the ground’ and the team always took the
opportunity to get local issues
There was a national
conversation to be had about how much funding local government got
to provide children’s
social care services, as it had become a big issue that could no
longer be solved locally;
had the
distribution of funding should return to being done based on levels
of deprivation, something the conservative government ceased in
2010, which had robbed local authorities of money they were using
to try and eliminate poverty or to deal with the consequences of deprivation.
The Cabinet agreed to recommend the Financial Strategy 2023/24 – 2027/28 to City Council for approval.
11/09/2023 - Unlocking Plymouth's Potential 2023 - 2025 ref: 4297 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 19/09/2023
Councillor Sally Cresswell (Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Apprenticeships) introduced the item and highlighted:
1 in 10 young people in Plymouth
did not
succeed in education and make a positive
transition into adult life and the world of
work and the plan had been developed in
response to this;
It was the first
strategic plan committed to reducing high levels of
young people not in education, employment or training, as it could be
detrimental to both mental and physical health and could lead to unemployment, low pay, low quality work and
less feelings of
The plan recognised that
the priority groups of youung
people would
require some
additional support and that no
single agency could address
the challenges in and it would
require a strong multi-agency approach at both a strategic and
operational level to deliver early interventions and extensive
support for those who needed
The plan had been
circulated widely through the diverse membership of the employment
and skills board;
e) The consultation process, along with wider stakeholder engagement, had shaped the priorities, and would continue to influence interventions moving forward.
Tina Brinkworth (Head of Skills and Post 16) added:
The plan
gave the opportunity to move to a more preventative model, whilst
also support those young people who were currently not in employment,
education or
Only 1 in 5 care leavers
made it into employment so creating opportunities was
h) A pilot program working intensively with 4 young people with SEND had been successful with all four transitioning into employment, education or training.
David Haley (Director of Children’s Services) added:
The strategy focused on
supporting specific vulnerable groups of young
j) It looked at all the partnerships across the city the maximise support.
In response to questions, it was explained:
DWP were
involved with the work, along with approximately 80 other
The Skills Launchpad
acted as a triage to seamlessly get them to the right support for
SEND opportunities were
being grown and more information shared with young people, their
and employers to raise wareness of additional funding available to better support these young people in
n) The use of language was important and using ‘SEET’ (seeking education, employment or training) instead of ‘NEET’ (not in education, employment of training) when communicating with young people was very important.
The Leader added:
It was
important that the Council did more to provide supported placements and
That Cabinet agreed to approve the Unlocking Plymouth’s Potential strategic plan.
07/09/2023 - COD 12 23/24 Contract Award - Appointment of Contractor to undertake continued public realm works at Old Town Street and New George Street (Short Form Delivery Agreement 4) ref: 4296 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions
Made at meeting: 07/09/2023 - Delegated Decisions
Decision published: 07/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
06/09/2023 - L19 23/24 Local Authority Homes Fund (LAHF) Round 2 ref: 4294 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions
Made at meeting: 06/09/2023 - Delegated Decisions
Decision published: 06/09/2023
Effective from: 14/09/2023
06/09/2023 - L16 23/24 Plymouth and South Devon Freeport Project – Millbay Terminal Development ref: 4292 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions
Made at meeting: 06/09/2023 - Delegated Decisions
Decision published: 06/09/2023
Effective from: 14/09/2023
06/09/2023 - L18 23/24 - Car park waterproofing and structural works - budget increase ref: 4293 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions
Made at meeting: 06/09/2023 - Delegated Decisions
Decision published: 06/09/2023
Effective from: 14/09/2023
06/09/2023 - CSLCC02 23/24 - PSPO 2023 – Reducing alcohol-related anti-social behaviour ref: 4295 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions
Made at meeting: 06/09/2023 - Delegated Decisions
Decision published: 06/09/2023
Effective from: 14/09/2023