Issue details

Plymouth heritage proposals (FP 80 05/06)

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Item Deferred

Priorities: Community;

Open/Exempt: Open;

Decision due: 13 June 2006 by Cabinet
Date Comment: deferred from 21 March 2006

Comment: on the recommendation of Councillor Smith

Department: People

Contact: Nicola Moyle, Head of Arts and Heritage Email: tel. 01752 304250 and Nalin Seneviratne Email: tel. 01752 304250 Email: Tel: 01752 306198.

Making Representations: In writing by 17 February to: 1. James Coulton, Head of Community Leisure & Learning 2. Relevant Cabinet Member 3. Members of the Council

Information to be considered by the decision makers: 1. SW Renaissance Business Plan 2006-08 2. Heritage Lottery Fund Strategy 2002-07 3. Options appraisal of heritage assets


  • Cabinet briefing paper