Issue details


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Priorities: Community;

Open/Exempt: Open;

Decision due: 28 November 2006 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Weekes)

Department: People

Contact: Najeeb Rehman, Equalities and Community Cohesion Officer E mail: Tel: (01752) 304319 Tel: (01752) 304319.

Making Representations: In writing by 30 September 2006 to - 1. Head of Safer Communities 2. Councillor Weekes (Cabinet Member) 3. Members of the City Council

Information to be considered by the decision makers: 1. Feedback from consultation 2. National guidelines on producing a Disability Equality Scheme 3. Good practice


  • 1. Council's Corporate Plan  
  • 2. Disability Rights Commission's Statutory Code: 'The Duty to Promote Disability Equality'  
  • 3. Council's Corporate Equalities Policy  
  • 4. Council's Race Equality Scheme 2005 -08