Issue details

COUNCIL TAX BASE 2010/11 (FP 34 09/10)

To give approval to the Council Tax Base, which will be used as the basis for setting the Council Tax level for 2010/11.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Open/Exempt: Open;

Decision due: 1 February 2010 by City Council (Cabinet Member: Councillor Bowyer)

Lead member: Councillor Ian Bowyer

Lead director: Director for Corporate Services

Department: Transformation and Change

Contact: Gary Edwards, Accounts Processing Manager E mail: Tel: (01752) 304404 Tel: (01752) 304404.


The Council Tax base is calculated as part of a statutory process, based on data relating to the council tax property base. Consultation is not applicable.

Making Representations: In writing by 31 December 2009 to - 1. Assistant Director for Finance, Assets and Efficiencies 2. Councillor Bowyer (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: 1. The regulations governing the calculation of the tax-base. (Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax-Base) Regulations 1992. 2. The tax-base report. 3. The level of estimated collection rate and the option to vary the discounts given on 2nd homes and empty properties. 4. Recommendation of Cabinet on 15 December 2009


  • As above for information to be considered by decision makers.