Issue details


1.        To extend the Peninsula Local Authority Contract for Information, Advice and Guidance delivered Careers South West (formally Connexions) until June 2011.


Value of Extension (Plymouth Contribution): At current value approx £625,000 for April 2011 – June 2010 (subject to negotiations in respect to contract value)


2.        To undertake a tender for the Information Advice and Guidance Service for Young People aged 13-19 during 2010 (tender to start after the general election) for a contract starting July 2011.


Proposed contract length: 3 years with an option for 2 year extension.

Contract award (Plymouth Contribution):  At current value £2.5million per year (subject to negotiations in respect to contract value)

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Abandoned

Priorities: Financial;

Open/Exempt: Exempt;

Decision due: 16 March 2010 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Monahan)

Department: Children's Services

Contact: Richenda Broad, Head of Strategic Planning and Children's Trust Business (01752) 668000 Email: Email: Tel: (01752) 307341.

Consultation process

Local authorities have a number of statutory duties in relation to the provision of Information, Advice and Guidance which are currently discharged within the contract with Careers South West (formally Connexions Cornwall and Devon)


As there is a general election planned for May or June next year it is proposed that this contract is extended to July 2011 in order to allow for a potential tender process which cannot take place during the period of Purda that the election with entail. Negotiation meetings have been set between the Peninsula Local Authorities and Careers South West to identify any changes to the contract that needed for 2010-2011 in the light of possible budgetary pressures and changes in National Legislation.


As the Lead Commissioner for the Peninsula Commissioning Group, Plymouth have produced papers timetabling to preparation of a business case for future of a Peninsula –wide Information, Advice and Guidance Service for young people in 2011 and beyond. This has been agreed by the Peninsula Commissioning leads and a series of Peninsula meetings has been established to develop this.


In order to develop this business case a needs analysis will be developed, which will include feedback and input from young people, parents and other key stakeholders, including schools.


As the current provider is a Local Authority owned company the business case will include a rationale as to whether a Teckal Exemption could apply.


As a parallel process the Plymouth IYSS strategy group will be reviewing the IYSS Strategy in light of the needs analysis’ that have been taken for the Children and Young People’s plan. These developments will inform the Peninsula business case with the The Children’s Trust Commissioning Team facilitating both developments, working in partnership with the Head of Integrated Youth Support.


Peninsula Local Authority Commissioning Group

Plymouth Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS) Strategy Group (including Assistant Director For Lifelong Learning and Head of IYSS)

Chief Executive Careers South West and the Careers South West Management Board


Young People and Parents

14-19 Curriculum Strategy Group

Jane Keeley, Acting Head of Strategic Procurement

Plymouth Legal Dept

Other Peninsula Local Authorities Procurement and Legal Teams

Making Representations: In writing by 1 March 2010 to: (1) Richenda Broad, Head of Strategic Planning and Children’s Trust Business (2) Councillor Monahan (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Current Performance The Peninsula Business Case The general election and period where a tender exercise will be prohibited. This will push the tendering timetable forward, meaning that to allow for a period of handover in case another provider wins the tender


  • Business case (to be completed February 2010)  
  • Rationale for tender  
  • Tender timetable