Issue details


The Cabinet will be requested to approve an increase in the grant aid to Tamar Science Park and to approve a new Governance Structure with the University of Plymouth

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Priorities: Financial;

Open/Exempt: Open;

Decision due: 19 January 2010 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Mrs Pengelly)

Department: Place

Contact: Phil Jones (Corp Res), Principal Development Surveyor Email: Tel: 01752 304167 Email: Tel: (01752) 304167.

Consultation process

Circulation of written report


The Leader, Cabinet members, Director of Development and Regeneration, Director of Corporate Support

Making Representations: In writing by 4 January 2010 to: 1. Director of Development and Regeneration 2. Councillor Mrs Pengelly (Leader) 3. Councillor Fry (Cabinet member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: The proposals contained in the written report


  • As above for decision makers