Issue details


To approve the Corporate Plan 2010-13


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 1 March 2010 by City Council (Leader: Councillor Evans)

Lead member: Council Leader

Lead director: Assistant Chief Executive

Department: Chief Executive

Contact: Jonathan Fry, Senior Policy, Performance and Partnerships Adviser E mail: Tel: (01752) 304144 Tel: 01752 304144.

Consultation process

1.        Area Committees

2.        Plymouth City Council’s Corporate Strategy Forum

3.        Corporate and departmental management team meetings

4.        Overview & Scrutiny Management Board meetings on 15 and 17 February 2010

5.    Cabinet meeting on 9 February 2010.


1.        Members of the public and local community representatives

2.        Lead officers for related strategies and plans

3.        Members of the Council’s senior management team

4.        Overview & Scrutiny Management Board

5.    Cabinet

Making Representations: In writing by 25 January 2010 to - (1) Jonathan Fry Policy, Performance and Partnerships (2) Councillor Mrs Pengelly (Leader)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Priorities in the Sustainable Community Strategy Local Area Agreement targets Judgements from audits and inspections. Value for money service profiles Corporate Area Assessment Place Survey Feedback from area committees. Recommendations from Scrutiny and Cabinet.


  • Medium term financial plan 2010-13  
  • Corporate Asset Management Plan 2010-13