Issue details


Adoption of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 to regulate Sexual Entertainment Venues.

Adoption of the associated policy, scheme of delegation and fee structure.


(Note: this item is a voluntary addition to the Forward Plan.  The decision is not a Key Decision)


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 30 January 2012 by City Council (Cabinet Member: Councillor Michael Leaves)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Community Services (Street Scene, Waste and Sustainability)

Lead director: Strategic Director for People

Department: People

Contact: Andy Netherton, Service Manager, Public Protection Service Email Tel: 01752 304742 Tel: 01752 304742.

Consultation process

Public Protection Service has undertaken a formal written public consultation.


Environmental Health, Health and Safety Executive, Planning Dept, Child Protection Team, Devon and Cornwall Police, Trading Standards, Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Primary Care Trust, Community Safety Partnership Team, Devon Licensing Forum

Faith group representatives

All currently licensed businesses

Special interest groups


Trade Bodies


Team Plymouth

Customer and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Cabinet on 17 January 2011

Making Representations: In writing by 23 December 2011 to - 1. Director for Community Services 2. Councillor Michael Leaves (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Report from the Public Protection Service Feedback from the public consultation Draft Policy, scheme of delegation and fee structure


  • Cabinet reports