Issue details


The Local Carbon Framework is citywide strategic ‘plan’ that sets out a series of recommendations for future action related to the reduction of the city’s carbon footprint, the establishment of low carbon economy and the continuing need to tackle the impacts of climate change. It builds on the city’s existing Climate Change Action Plan 2009/2011. Approval of the Framework’s content, including the recommendations, is required before the document is presented to the Board of the Local Strategic Partnership

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Item Deferred

Priorities: Community;

Open/Exempt: Open;

Decision due: 7 February 2012 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Michael Leaves)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Community Services (Street Scene, Waste and Sustainability)

Lead director: Director for Corporate Services

Department: Transformation and Change

Contact: Jackie Young, Sustainable Development Officer Email: Tel: 01752 304220 Tel: 01752 304220.

Consultation process

Between March 2010 and July 2011 a number of interactive events have been completed. These including the Marketing Works focus groups, public and staff room surveys, promotional events and meetings. In each case the feedback of this partnership led Framework has been fed back in to the information making up the text. The interaction has also been used to clarify the scientific data required to support the evidence for this Framework


The Carbon Framework builds on existing consultation and development is led by the city’s Climate Change Commission members. Interactive consultation has been undertaken with a wide range of specialists and experts, local communities, the business and academic sectors and individuals since March 2010. In addition, the three commissioned studies will have drawn from interaction with the Marketing Works Behavioural Change Study drawing specifically on focus groups and interviews. Consultees and partners in this project include the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Better Together, the Met Office, the Youth Parliament, the Plymouth Marine Sciences Partnership and a wide range of individuals

Making Representations: In writing by 23 January 2012 to - 1. the Director of Corporate Services 2. Councillor Michael Leaves (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Surveys, policies and the Local Carbon Framework


  • Report and supporting appendices - report introducing the Framework document