Issue details


To consider and approve a consultation draft of the emerging Housing Plan 2012 – 2017 which considers four key housing themes as the basis of strategic housing activity that contributes to delivering the shared vision and priorities of the City and Council. Approval of the plan’s content, aims and objectives is required before it is taken out to public and wider stakeholder consultation.


(Note: this item is a voluntary addition to the Forward Plan.  The decision is not a Key Decision)

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 13 December 2011 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Fry)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning, Strategic Housing and Economic Development

Lead director: Strategic Director for Place

Department: Place

Contact: Nick Carter, Housing Delivery Manager Email: Tel: 01752 307583 Tel: 01752 307583.

Consultation process

We will engage with the public and other stakeholders through existing links, groups, and partnerships, and seek consultation opportunities with hard to reach groups. We will make best use of our website to promote a wider awareness of the Housing Plan and opportunities for comment.


The consultation draft of the Housing Plan builds upon the work from the Housing Strategy Conference, workshops and associated multi agency Task and Finish Groups which have agreed a draft set of housing aims and objectives. There has been a wide range of partner agency and key stakeholder involvement in the development of the consultation draft. The next step will be public and wider stakeholder consultation to help further shape our housing plans.

Making Representations: In writing by 28 November 2011 to - 1. Director for Development and Regeneration 2. Councillor Fry (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Housing Plan 2012 - 17 - consultation draft


  • Housing Plan 2012 – 17 – consultation draft