Issue details


To consider proposals, for consultation, on the development of the Wave Two projects to meet an increased number of primary age pupils with effect from September 2012.


The Cabinet cannot consider key decisions if they have not been included within the Forward Plan unless they fall within the two exceptions set out in paragraphs 15 and 16 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules.



subject to Rule 16 (special urgency), the decision may still be taken if:


(a)      the decision must be taken by such a date that it is impracticable to defer the decision until it has been included in the next forward plan and until the start of the first month to which the next forward plan relates;


The last forward plan was published on 15 September 2011 and the item was included in the plan with an anticipated decision date of 18 October Cabinet and Council approval of the capital programme amendment.  However due to the requirement for Council approval to change the capital programme in good time to achieve the already tight delivery times for the cohorts arriving at school in September 2012 we must achieve the special meeting and Council meeting also on the 10 October rather than 5 December which would result in insufficient time to let and complete the contract before the new school term in September 2012.


(b)      the monitoring officer has informed the Chair of the relevant Scrutiny Panel: Councillor Wildy, Chair of the Children and Young People  Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 30 September 2011;


(c)      the monitoring officer has made copies of that notice available to the public at the offices of the Council;


(d)  at least 5 working days have elapsed since the monitoring officer complied with (a) and (b).

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 10 October 2011 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Sam Leaves)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.

Lead director: Director of Services for Children and Young People

Contact: Gareth Simmons, Strategic Projects Director Email: Tel: 01752 307161 Tel: 01752 307161.

Consultation process

Mainly using direct meetings


Schools, governors, officers of the Council, Diocesan bodies

Making Representations:

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Cabinet paper


  • Investment for Children Cabinet paper approved 11 November 2008  
  • Plymouth City Council Children's Services Strategy for Change Investment for Children  
  • Basic Need Cabinet paper 19 October 2010  
  • Basic Need Cabinet paper 8 March 2011  
  • Community Infrastructure Levy and Plymouth Infrastructure Needs Assessment Cabinet report July 2011