Issue details


The City Council will be requested to adopt the Medium Term Financial Strategy for both revenue and capital and note the future year forecasts on resources available and spending commitments. The City Council will also be requested to adopt the Council’s ‘summary financial objectives’ and targets within this document


(Note: this item is a voluntary addition to the Forward Plan.  The decision is not a Key Decision)

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 25 June 2012 by City Council (Cabinet Member: Councillor Lowry)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance.

Lead director: Director for Corporate Services

Department: Transformation and Change

Contact: David Northey, S151 Email: Tel: 01752 304566 Tel: 01752 304566.

Consultation process

Consultation will be by presentations to management team meetings. Publish document on website. Present, and challenge through the scrutiny process.


Corporate Management Team, Directors, Assistant Directors and key partners.

Cabinet on 12  June 2012

Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on 13 June 2012

Making Representations: In writing by 28 May 2012 to the Director for Corporate Services

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Sustainable Community Strategy Plymouth City Council Corporate Plan Quarterly performance and finance reports presented to Cabinet and scrutiny throughout 2011/12 Cabinet recommendations


  • Council budget report and associated papers – February 2012  
  • Quarterly monitoring reports 2011/12