Issue details


To approve the publication of and submission process in relation to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: Between 17 January 2012 and 27 February 2012 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Fry)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning, Strategic Housing and Economic Development

Lead director: Strategic Director for Place

Department: Place

Contact: Jonathan Bell, Head of Development Planning Email: Tel: 01752 304353 Tel: 01752 304353.

Consultation process

Range of consultation methods, including statutory notices, in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement and statutory requirements.


Public, private and third-sector organisations and groups.

Local community.

Land owners, businesses and developers.

Other stakeholder groups.

Making Representations: In writing by 23 December 2011 to - 1. Assistant Director of Development and Regeneration (Planning Services) 2. Councillor Fry (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Consultation responses received in relation to the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule. Evidence base reports.


  • Report to Cabinet  
  • • Evidence base reports on development viability  
  • • Evidence base reports on funding gap analysis  
  • • Schedule of consultation responses received in relation to Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule  
  • • Plymouth Core Strategy April 2007  
  • • Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document – First Review August 2010  
  • • CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended) and Communities and Local Government guidance notes