Issue details


To approve the publication for consultation purposes of issues and options pamphlets for the Hoe and East End, as part of the process of reviewing the Local Development Framework Core Strategy.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Item Deferred

Decision due: Between 17 January 2012 and 27 February 2012 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Fry)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning, Strategic Housing and Economic Development

Lead director: Strategic Director for Place

Department: Place

Contact: Jonathan Bell, Head of Development Planning Email: Tel: 01752 304353 Tel: 01752 304353.

Consultation process

Range of consultation methods, including statutory notices, in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement and statutory requirements.


Public, private and third-sector organisations and groups.

Waterfront Partnership.

Local community, land owners and businesses (including representative groups).

Other stakeholder groups. 

Making Representations: In writing by 23 December 2011 to - 1. Assistant Director of Development & Regeneration (Planning Services) 2. Councillor Fry (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Results of previous consultation exercises on the Local Development Framework Relevant Local Development Framework and other evidence base reports


  • Report to Cabinet  
  • • Hoe & East End Issues & Options reports and consultation responses  
  • • Local Development Framework Core Strategy  
  • • Relevant Local Development Framework and other evidence base reports (housing, employment, retail, visitor economy, transport, green space, heritage etc)  
  • • Local Development Scheme  
  • • Hoe Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan  
  • • Plymouth Waterfront Partnership Business Plan  
  • • Plymouth Infrastructure Needs Assessment  
  • • Local Transport Plan 3  
  • • Local Housing Strategy  
  • • Local Economic Strategy