Issue details


To review the Library Service following consultation

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 13 November 2012 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Peter Smith)

Lead member: Councillor Peter Smith, Deputy Leader

Lead director: Director for Corporate Services

Department: Transformation and Change

Contact: David Saunders, Head of Customer Services Email: Tel: 01752 398429 Tel: 01752 398429.

Consultation process

Consultation documents, focus groups, workshops, correspondence


Officers / external partners and organisations (including Sentinel, JobCentrePlus, Europe Direct, University, Marjon, NHS and Old Plymouth Society) / Customer and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel / library users and non-users

Making Representations: In writing by 29 October 2012 to - 1. Adam Broome (Director for Corporate Services) 2. Councillor Peter Smith (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Draft Cabinet Report, scrutiny recommendations, feedback from consultation


  • as above for decision maker