Issue details


To establish the parameters for a detailed investigation into new models of green space management that will provide new levels of community ownership of natural assets.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 15 January 2013 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Penberthy)

Lead member: Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet Member for Housing, Cooperative Development and Communities and Chair of Child Poverty Working Group

Lead director: Strategic Director for Place

Department: Place

Contact: Paul Barnard, Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Email: Tel: 01752 304077 Tel: 01752 304077.

Consultation process

The process to engage the community and stakeholder will be developed as part of the investigations into new models of green space management and will be outlined within the Cabinet report.


Consultation on this work will include engagement with internal Plymouth City Council services, community representatives, statutory agencies responsible for the natural environment and third sector organisations already involved in the maintenance of green spaces.

Making Representations: In writing by 1 November 2012 to the Democratic Support Unit, Democracy and Governance, Department for Corporate Services

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Localism Act Community Led Spaces - A Guide for Local Authorities and Community Groups.

Is this decision due to be taken in private? (Yes/No): No


  • Plymouth Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan