Issue details


To approve the Corporate Plan 2012-15 (as revised)   


(Note: this item is a voluntary addition to the Forward Plan.  The decision is not a Key Decision)


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 30 July 2012 by City Council (Leader: Councillor Evans)

Lead member: Councillor Tudor Evans OBE, Leader of the Council, and Chair of Chief Officer Appointments Panel

Lead director: The Chief Executive

Department: Chief Executive

Contact: Jonathan Fry, Senior Policy, Performance and Partnerships Adviser Email: Tel: 01752 304144 Tel: 01752 304144.

Consultation process

Draft proposals for the revised Corporate Plan will be considered by Cabinet on 10 July, following consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


The Corporate Plan is being revised following May’s election, with a new administration now in control of the Council. It wants to see the Council become a Cooperative Council and also a more open and transparent organisation. It has a number of commitments clustered under ten themes that it wants to see delivered over the next two years. It remains committed to the city’s vision and four priorities, particularly growth, which have been consulted on previously.

Making Representations: In writing by 2 July 2012 to - 1. Bob Coomber, Interim Chief Executive 2. Councillor Evans (Council Leader)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: The revised Corporate Plan which will include the new focus above, as well as still drawing on the detailed needs analysis and other data that informed the earlier version.


  • Corporate Plan 2012-15 (as revised)