Issue details


That Cabinet approve an in principle direction of travel to support schools to move to Co - operative Trust status in line with the new administration’s aspirations as a Co operative Council.    

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 10 July 2012 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Williams)

Lead member: Councillor Nicky Williams, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Lead director: Strategic Director for People

Department: People

Contact: Jayne Gorton, Head of Access and Planning Email Tel:01752 307472 Tel: 01752 307472.

Consultation process

Plymouth City Council website / School Room


Officers / external partners or organisations / schools

Making Representations: In writing by 25 June 2012 to - 1. Maggie Carter, Interim Assistant Director for Education, Learning and Family Support 2. Councillor Williams (Cabinet Member)

Information to be considered by the decision makers: An outline of the work to date and how this will fit with the new administrations policy


  • Written report