Issue details


To approve the principle of continuing to offer services to schools through the Prospectus of Services4Schools where the service can demonstrate value for money, generate significant income and/or have strategic benefit for the Authority.


The Prospectus of Services4Schools must be published in December 2012 to enable the Authority to enter into an increasingly competitive market for the period April 2013 to March 2014.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 13 November 2012 by Cabinet (on the recommendation of Councillor Williams)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.

Lead director: Strategic Director for People

Department: People

Contact: Jayne Gorton, Head of Access and Planning Email: Tel: 01752 307472 Tel: 01752 307472.

Consultation process

Service managers have been asked to provide details regarding the service offer, income and expenditure and staff full time equivalents employed.

Discussion with individual managers regarding take-up rates and options for the future delivery of services.


Internal service managers either currently offering services to schools through the prospectus or who intend to offer services following the delegation of new responsibilities to schools as a result of national school funding reform.

Making Representations: In writing by 1 November 2012 to the Democratic Support Unit, Democracy and Governance, Department for Corporate Services

Information to be considered by the decision makers: Assessment of the services offered to schools, take up rates, income and expenditure analysis, cost recovery rates, strategic value of services and competitor/market evaluation.

Is this decision due to be taken in private? (Yes/No): No


  • Final report on the future of traded services with schools