Issue details
Waterfront BID (Business Improvement District) 2017-22
To endorse the principles and overall approach of the draft Waterfront BID Business Plan 2017- 2022 and to approve the Council’s existing and new financial, match and in kind contributions; to authorise the Chief Executive to instruct a Ballot Holder to undertake a ballot of appropriate businesses with the Waterfront BID area and delegate to the Chief Executive authority to vote on behalf of the City Council in the ballot and to approve the Waterfront BID contract provided that it accords with the general principles set out in the report.
Plymouth Waterfront Partnership (PWP) to be made responsible for managing Street Trading activity with agreed surpluses generated from street trading, café licences, events, fairs, festivals being transferred from PCC to PWP following the end of each financial year.
To refer to scrutiny select committee for consideration of the ballot result and the Right to exercise the veto. That meeting will then make a recommendation to Full Council.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/11/2016
Open/Exempt: Open;
Decision due: 6 December 2016 by Cabinet
Lead member: Council Leader
Lead director: Strategic Director for Place
Department: Growth
Contact: Patrick Knight, Economy and Employment Manager E-mail: Tel: 01752 304472 Tel: 01752 304472.
Information to be considered by the decision makers: Executive summary and report Waterfront BID Business Plan 2017-22 (Draft) Waterfront Service Level Agreements 2017-22 (Draft) Equality Impact Assessment
Is this decision due to be taken in private? (Yes/No): No