Notice of Key Executive Decisions and Private Business

For any queries about the Forward Plan of Key Decisions and Private Business, please contact Democratic Support or at Plymouth City Council, Council House, Plymouth, PL1 2AA.

The Council is committed to making decisions in public. However, on occasion, some decisions will involve information that must be considered in private because, for example, the information is commercially confidential or relates to a legal proceeding. If you would like to make representations about why a particular decision should be made in public, please contact Democratic Support or at Plymouth City Council, Council House, Plymouth, PL1 2AA.

Decision makers will consider a number of documents which will include a report, an Equality Impact Assessment and, if applicable, a confidential report, a business case, contract award report and any other document(s) relevant to the decision.

Any non-confidential document(s) may be obtained from the officer contact in the key decision table below either by email or from Plymouth City Council, Council House, Plymouth, PL1 2AA.

Key Decision Notification  (27/08/2018 to 10/09/2018, Cabinet)

Plan items
No. Item


Better Places - Re-gearing of leases in city centre to attract inward investment New!

Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 27 August 2018

Lead officer:  Mark Brunsdon

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/07/2018

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Commercially Confidential