Voting record

 City Council, Monday 19 November 2018 2.20 pm

Item: Audit and Governance Committee Recommendations

Amendment Motion (to refer back to committee):

Motion status:Rejected

ForBall, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Bridgeman, Carson, Churchill, Cook, Darcy, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, K Foster, James, Mrs Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Samantha Leaves, Loveridge, Dr Mahony, P.Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, R.Smith and Wigens26
AgainstAspinall, Buchan, Coker, Corvid, Dann, Derrick, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, Mavin, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Neil, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, Taylor, Jon Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler and Winter30
AbstainSam Davey1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0
Absent / Did not voteNone0

Audit and Governance Committee Recommendations:

Resolution status:Carried

ForAspinall, Buchan, Coker, Corvid, Dann, Derrick, Evans OBE, Goslin, Haydon, Hendy, Laing, Lowry, Mavin, McDonald, Morris, Murphy, Neil, Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, P Smith, Stevens, Taylor, Jon Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler and Winter30
AgainstBall, Mrs Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Bridgeman, Carson, Churchill, Cook, Darcy, Deacon, Downie, Drean, Fletcher, K Foster, James, Mrs Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Michael Leaves, Samantha Leaves, Loveridge, Dr Mahony, P.Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, R.Smith and Wigens26
AbstainSam Davey1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0
Absent / Did not voteNone0