Meeting attendance

Thursday 20 November 2014 10.00 am, Health and Wellbeing Board

Venue:   Warspite Room, Council House

Contact:    Amelia Boulter

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Veryan Barneby Wolseley Trust Co-Optee (voting) Present
David Bearman Devon Local Pharmaceutical Committee Co-Optee (voting) Present
Chief Supt Andy Boulting Co-Optee (voting) Apologies
Carole Burgoyne Strategic Director for People (Plymouth City Council) Co-Optee (voting) Present
Jerry Clough NEW Devon CCG Co-Optee (voting) Apologies
Peter Edwards Healthwatch Co-Optee (voting) Present
Amanda Fisk NHS England, Devon, Cornwall and IoS Co-Optee (voting) Present
Lesley Gross Co-Optee (voting) Apologies
Tony Hogg Police and Crime Commissioner Co-Optee (voting) Apologies
Ross Jago Council Staff Expected
Ann James Plymouth NHS Hospitals Trust Co-Optee (voting) Apologies
Councillor Dr John Mahony Member Expected
Councillor Susan McDonald Member Expected
Kelechi Nnoaham Director of Public Health Co-Optee (voting) Present
Richard Stephenson University of Plymouth Co-Optee (voting) Present
Councillor Ian Tuffin Member Present
Clive Turner Plymouth Community Homes Co-Optee (voting) Apologies
Steve Waite Plymouth Community Healthcare Co-Optee (voting) Present