Outside body

Dartmoor National Park Authority



1 Terms of Reference


1.1  To provide a participative forum to consider and discuss matters relevant to policy, priorities and performance in relation to the Authority’s statutory purposes of:


(a)  conserving and enhancing its natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage; and

(b)  promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of its special qualities  together with the duty to foster the socio-economic well being of Dartmoor communities.


1.2  To offer advice and views on the Authority’s strategic aims, objectives and priorities and other key issues as they arise, including the content of the National Park Management Plan, Local Development Framework and the Authority’s Business Plan.


1.3  To promote closer liaison and understanding between organisations which have an interest in the National Park and the surrounding area.


1.4  To provide an opportunity to raise and/or discuss issues of general concern affecting the National Park.



2      Principles


2.1  The Forum will meet twice a year as part of the Authority’s regular cycle of meetings, and on other occasions as may be required.


2.2  The Forum is a key mechanism for partners, stakeholders and other interested parties to consider issues of policy relating to Dartmoor National Park and for their views to inform the formal decision making processes within the Authority.


2.3  Discussion at the Forum shall focus on strategic and policy issues, not day to day operational matters.


2.4  Meetings of the Forum will not be open to the press or general public but agendas and notes of the meetings will be placed on the Authority’s website.



3      Membership


3.1  The Chairman of the Authority or, in their absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Authority shall be the ex officio Chair of the Forum.


3.2 The Forum will comprise representatives of the various categories of interest groups which have an interest in Dartmoor and the work of the Authority. A named substitute authorised by the nominating organisation shall be entitled to attend and participate if a nominated representative is unavailable.

3.3 The Authority will endeavour to balance invitations to organisations to nominate members to the Forum so as to fairly and equitably reflect the range and variety of organisations and interest groups which have an interest in the National Park and the surrounding area.


3.4 Members of the Authority shall not be eligible for membership of the Forum (except under 3.1 above) but shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Forum and participate in discussions.


3.5 The Chief Executive (NPO), in consultation with the Chair of the Forum, may from time to time amend the list of organisations and groups invited to nominate a representative to the Forum. However any proposal for substantial change of the membership or list of nominating organisations shall be reported to the Authority for prior approval.


3.6 Members of the Forum may propose items for discussion at future meetings. There will also be an opportunity for members of the Forum to submit questions in advance of meetings and to pose questions at the meeting.


3.7 The Chair of the Forum may in his absolute discretion, in respect of any particular matter or more generally, invite or permit persons who are not members of the Forum, including members of the general public or representatives of other organisations, to attend meetings of the Forum as an observer and/or participate in discussions.


4      Amendments


4.1 Any proposed amendments to this Constitution (other than changes to the nominating organisations as set out in paragraph 3.5), shall be reported to the Authority for prior approval.







Contact information

Penny Bailey
(PA to the Chief Executive (National Park Officer)

Our representatives