Outside body
South West Employer's Panel
Summary of Terms of Reference
8. Functions
(a) To exchange ideas with the view of increasing the understanding of the two sides.
(b) To promote good industrial relations practice and training, including the development of good personal practice.
(c) To undertake tasks as required by the National Joint Council(s).
(d) To establish and give legitimacy to dispute and conciliation machinery.
(e) To deal with such other matters as may, from time to time, be requested (e.g. to act on behalf of the Local Government Staff Commission).
(f) To facilitate, should the need arise, the negotiation of collective agreements.
(g) To issue advice, as appropriate, to Local Authorities and Unions.
(h) To provide a forum for discussion on key strategic issues affecting Local Government industrial relations/training/personnel.
Contact information
Kelly-Ann Phillips