Outside body

East End Development Trust


Summary of Terms of Reference

The Company is established for the public benefit within the area of Cattedown,

 Coxside and Prince Rock, Plymouth (known as the East End and for which a map is

attached) with the  following objects:


a.      To relieve persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress by reason of their social and economic circumstances.

b.      To provide or assist in the provision of housing accommodation, including taking responsibility of holding/allocating commuted sums derived from developments in the area for affordable Housing.

c.      To promote the advancement of education and learning, including training in skills relevant to securing employment.

d.      To hold, allocate and manage assets and sums of money for the benefit of the wider community.

e.      To provide facilities for public recreation or other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare with the object of improving their conditions of life.

f.        To promote community businesses and social enterprises which are non-profit

      distributing or which employ the whole of their profits for the public benefit and

      whose objectives and activities are to the benefit of the wider community.

Contact information

Julie Richardson
Company Secretary

Our representatives