Councillor Ian Poyser

Profile image for Councillor Ian Poyser

Party: The Green Party

Ward: Plympton Chaddlewood

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information


Download Councillor Ian Poyser contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 05/05/2022 - 07/05/2026

Additional Information




Community Grants 2023/24





To support Cruise Plymouth with a contribution towards the equipment for the volunteers to welcome visitors into the City at Millbay docks which is a fantastic way of showcasing Britain's Ocean City at its best.




To support Borrow Don't Buy's crowdfunder




Shekinah Stonehouse Creek Refurbishment Project Crowdfunder




To support Light up Plympton with a grant contribution towards the Ridgeway Christmas lights for 2023.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2022/23





A donation via Big Give Christmas Challenge, in order for the charity to get match funding for their donation. Funding goes towards Trevi House with plans for further projects in progress to support more women and children across the city. This donation will be paid in December.




To support Light up Plympton with a grant contribution towards the Ridgeway Christmas lights for 2022.


To support Chaddlewood Primary School with a contribution towards the cost of a mural and other improvements for their playground.




To support the OWSI project working with the Peninsula Dental School to bring dental health education to primary schools within the Plympton Chaddlewood ward with a contribution towards to costs of books and other items.




To support Clean Our Patch with a contribution towards equipment and signs to continue their work in volunteer litter picking within Chaddlewood


To support Mrs Murals and the Chaddlewood Subways Art and Youth Workshop project with a contribution towards the cost of materials and other necessities for the work in the community.


To support The Rees Centre with a contribution towards activities for  range of youth projects


To support the Character Creation Roleplaying CIC with a contribution towards providing electrical PAT testing equipment and training for local community groups. To promote reuse and lower the cost of electrical testing incurred by local groups


To support the Chaddlewood Farm Community Association with a contribution towards the redecoration of the community centre, benefiting the visitors that use it.


Grand Total
