Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan Performance Report Q2

Meeting: 21/01/2025 - Scrutiny Management Board (Item 5f)

5f Corporate Plan Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Meeting: 11/11/2024 - Cabinet (Item 65)

Corporate Plan Performance Report Q2

Additional documents:


Chris Penberthy (Cabinet Member for Housing, Cooperative Development and Communities) introduced the report and highlighted the following:


a)     The report was consistently being updated to improve clarity of data and was consistently reviewed by internal and external groups;


b)    Data was included from a wide range of data sets, including temporally from before the Covid-19 pandemic, to assess robust performance indicators at a broad level;


c)     The report highlighted the resilience and innovation that the Council had been taking to combat circumstances which affected the entire nation and were often out of Local Government control;


d)    Plymouth had maintained excellent performance against carriageway works and road defects within agreed timescales, although this was hampered by successive funding cuts since 2006;


e)     100% of major development applicants were determined on-time by the Planning Department;


f)      There was some success with the reduction of numbers of under 25-year olds claiming Universal Credit and an increase in employment rates;


g)     The ability for pupils to access schools in Plymouth had increased to its highest level since the pandemic;


h)    In terms of healthcare, patients in primary care had seen positive improvements – rates of being seen within a fortnight had increased from 63% to 83%;


i)      This had not occurred within the field of dental care across the City.


Councillor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council) added:


j)      Electoral registration performance had been remarkable with 213, 000 people being registered.


Cabinet agreed to note the report.