Issue - meetings

Questions by Members

Meeting: 28/01/2013 - City Council (Item 88)


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.

Additional documents:


In accordance with paragraph 12 of the constitution, the following questions were asked of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects of their areas of responsibility -







Councillor Bowyer

Councillor Peter Smith

What action was being taken to engage the public and increase public support for the City of Culture?


Councillor Smith responded that the announcement had only just been made and the Council would be starting to engage with the public as soon as possible.



Councillor James

Councillor Penberthy

The numbers of rough sleepers were sought in the light of adverse weather conditions and also the support provided to vulnerable people by ways of employment or some sort of training. 



Councillor Penberthy responded that he did not have the figures for the last quarter. In the first quarter, the average number seen was 4.5 people and in the second quarter, three people.  During last year there were 20 people and five in the year before.  With regard to support, there was a variety of work being undertaken with the homeless communities including the Shekinah Mission and Harbour, through pathways.  Before the council could work in a meaningful way with rough sleepers, the priority was to find people beds and hostels. The George Street hostel provided a supportive environment with a key worker attached and the Shekinah Mission had a multi agency approach.  Homelessness was part of the eight year, £10m Big Lottery fund piece of work, led by Hamoaze House on behalf of the city to further improve multiple need. There was an on going package of work that the council was continuing to offer

A written response would be provided.



Councillor Mrs Pengelly

Councillor Peter Smith

Following the removal of the subsidy for Mount Edgcumbe by Cornwall County Council, what would be the impact on the City Council and existing schemes?



Councillor Smith responded that he was looking at options with the officers and as soon as he had an answer he would contact her. He also undertook to meet with the Plymouth members of the joint committee before the next joint committee meeting.



Councillor Beer

Councillor Evans

The lift in the Theatre Royal car park had been out of order since before Xmas. When would it be reinstated?  It had been reported to her and could have an impact on income.


Councillor Evans asked when Councillor Mrs Beer had reported the fault.  He advised that there was adequate parking for blue badge holders on other floors. He asked the officers to respond with the scale of the problem and the plans to ensure that the lift was working properly.

A written response would be provided.



Councillor Foster

Councillor Lowry

Was the management structure being reviewed to reduce the budget and maintain frontline services?



Councillor Lowry responded that a review was being undertaken of all of the management levels and employees.



Councillor Darcy

Councillor Peter Smith

What indicators would determine the success or otherwise of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 88