Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
Contact: Jamie Sheldon Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To sign and confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes from 12 November 2021 were agreed as a true and accurate record. |
Declarations of Interest Members will be asked to make any declaration of interest in respect of items on this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Public Questions To receive questions from (and provide answers to) members of the public that are relevant to the panel’s functions.
Questions should be no longer than 100 words and sent to Democratic Support, Plymouth City Council, Floor 3, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ or
Questions must be received at least 5 complete working days before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Q: “Given that D & C Police have spent a considerable amount in being an inclusive organisation can the PCC tell me what initiatives she has taken to ensure that her office reflects the communities she serves in, actual proof not straplines.”
Alison Hernandez, Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner gave the following response:
• Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is an area of great diversity. The 2011 census numbers showed low numbers of non-white British residents (at 5%) but I know that this will have changed in recent years and I am awaiting the results of the 2021 census. But the diversity of our communities is not about ethnicity alone, we also need to acknowledge the diversity in age, disability, sex, orientation, and lifestyles across such a large geographic area.
• My role is to represent the people that I serve, am I do this by ensuring that my office reflects our communities in everything we do. I work closely with the Chief Constable and on this, and my Police and Crime Plan includes specific commitments to ensure that we reflect our communities needs in the war we work and thrive in diversity, and to champion community cohesion and tackle hate crime.
Policy and Commissioning • My team uses a range of tools to ensure evidence-based policy making that reflects the needs of our communities.
This includes: § Demographic data about our communities § Qualitative feedback through surveys and focus groups § Feedback from your correspondence § Engagement with representatives of specific communities such as business networks, farming networks, faith groups, as well as groups representing those with protected characteristics.
• I ensure that, where appropriate, I include representatives from different diverse groups and communities on decision making and policy development boards and groups to inform my work and that of my team.
• In addition we also have a lived experience advisor scheme where community members can use their experience of the criminal justice system to effect change and work with us to co-design new service responses.
• I use this data and evidence to develop plans, policies and inform our commissioning, and specific impacts on those with protected characteristics are carefully analysed through Equality Impact Assessments.
• In my Commissioning it is essential that I reflect and meet the needs of our communities. This is done through commissioning needs assessments, equality impact assessments and engagement and consultation with people who will use our service. Currently, our victim care provision provides specialist support for all protected characteristics, including age, ethnic background, sexuality, gender and disability. • Through our new victim care contract with Victim Support we have just established two new victim care services for people with disabilities and those from a minority ethnic background which were two known gaps in local provision in Cornwall.
Public engagement
• In addition to using data and listening to our communities in policy making and planning, my team undertakes significant work to ensure that we keep our diverse communities ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
Precept Proposal for 2022/23, Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan Update PDF 288 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Alison Hernandez, Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner introduced the item and made the following key points:
Nicola Allen, Treasurer and Chief Finance Officer presented a presentation to the Panel and highlighted the following key points:
Police and Crime Plan 2021 - 2025 Scorecard PDF 123 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Felicity Ridgway, Director of Operations for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner presented an outline of the report to the Panel and advised that the Scorecard would provide a baseline from November 2021.
Members discussed:
The Panel noted the report.
Police and Crime Commissioners Update PDF 278 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner introduced the report to the Panel and highlighted the following key points:
Members discussed:
Additional documents: Minutes: Alison Hernandez, Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner presented this item to the Panel and highlighted the following key point:
The report outlined changes that would be implemented for Domestic Violence Protections Orders. As a police force, Devon and Cornwall had focussed on improving the use of Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPO); vulnerability lawyers are employed within the force to help secure DVPO’s against people.
The Panel noted the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Alison Hernandez, Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner presented this item to the Panel and made the following key points:
The Panel noted the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Frances Hughes, Chief Executive for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner advised the Panel that there had been one complaint which had been dealt with by the Chair of the Panel and had been resolved by local resolution with the Chair’s consent.
The Panel noted the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members requested the following to be treated as a priority for the next municipal year: