Agenda and minutes

Contact: Katey Johns, Tel 01752 307815  Email:

No. Item


Welcome / Introductions


Peter Aley, Head of Safer Communities, opened the meeting by welcoming all parties and asking everyone present to introduce themselves.


Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair


Judith Harwood, Assistant Director for Learning and Communities, reported that since the last meeting, there had been some changes within the Council’s Cabinet which had resulted in a new portfolio holder for the Community Safety Partnership.  Councillor Philippa Davey was now the Board’s relevant Cabinet Member, with a portfolio title of Cabinet Member for Community Safety.  Members were reminded that, at the last meeting, discussion had taken place about the role of the Board and its direction of travel.  It was suggested that, given there was a clear desire to review arrangements, it might be an appropriate time to commission a piece of work specifically for this purpose.  Judith therefore proposed that for an interim period of three months, and whilst the review was under way, Andy Boulting took the Chair.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor Philippa Davey.


Agreed that –




in the absence of any other nominations, Andy Boulting is appointed interim Chair of the Board;





there was no need to appoint a vice-chair during the review period;




part of the systems leadership away day is used to discuss the review and development of the Partnership (see also minute 3 below).





Safer Plymouth - Development of Partnership pdf icon PDF 100 KB


Following on from the discussion started at minute 2 above, Peter Aley introduced the paper which was designed as an aid to help shape the discussion.  At present, Safer Plymouth was a stand-alone entity which limited its opportunities to influence, and be influenced by, wider agendas.  One such example was there was no formal link to the Health and Wellbeing Board which could benefit from a stronger community safety input.


Members were advised that there were a number of opportunities to help the Safer Plymouth Partnership develop and modernise its work and that now was a good time to explore what they were.


Highlights from the discussion included –




there was a lack of focus on statutory requirements, for example reducing reoffending.  How had the group tried to drive that through Plymouth?  Unfortunately, there wasn’t the capacity or energy to do everything and therefore the focus should be on what had to be done and challenging what was being achieved;




there were many groups out there with similar aspirations and difficulties, all wanting to do the same thing but feeling disjointed.  A similar exercise had been undertaken with the Plymouth Safeguarding Children’s Board (PSCB) which was now a sub-group of the Health and Wellbeing Board;




since the demise of Plymouth 2020 it was thought that Safer Plymouth had lost some of its momentum.  It was important to regain this and focus on where it could make a greater difference but this would require members being honest about what could and couldn’t realistically be achieved;




with regard to CSE and using it as the focus of the Systems Leadership away day, it was suggested that as the group had not yet heard from Charlie Pittman nor had the PSCB reconvened to review its 11-point action plan, there would not be enough information available to the group to take this forward at this time;




concern being expressed at the fact that the Fire Service’s priority of ‘Safety in People’s Homes’ was not included in the performance report which had been agreed three months ago.  Members were reminded of the importance of bringing forward their priorities so that consideration could be given to collectively prioritising issues.  It was pointed out that the Fire Service was one of the least intrusive of all services entering households (home safety checks etc) and therefore had access to a raft of intelligence which could be shared with and used by partner agencies;




further to concerns highlighted at (e) above, and the fact that there had  been two recent fires in the City, as well as the significant event at Clowance Street, it was suggested that it may be worth spending time on 14 August to look at Systems Leadership way of working and establish leadership and responsibility roles.  In addition, alongside that, to look at the statutory requirements and priorities of the Partnership and consider how they should be discharged and by whom.


Agreed that in preparation for the Systems  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


Notes from Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


Agreed the notes of the meeting held on 28 May 2015, subject to -




correction to spelling of Hardwood to Harwood;




inclusion of the Violent Crime sub-group delivery matrix,  which had been tabled and agreed at the last meeting (attached as Annex to these minutes).



Matters Arising


With regard to matters arising –


·         Minute 5(1) – Charlie Pittman, Chair of the Safeguarding Children’s Board sub-group, had not been invited to attend, however, it would probably be more appropriate for liaison between the two groups so that each were aware of what the other was doing;

·         Minute 6(1) – Sarah Hopkins reported that Torbay’s family group was different to Plymouth’s so the data was slightly skewed.  However, on inspection it had been revealed that they were not doing anything dissimilar to what was also being done in Plymouth specific to the ENTE – ID scanners, engagement with licensees, night bus feasibility study etc.  It was suggested that the information be passed to the appropriate sub-group with a request that they look into it further and bring back recommendation(s) to the next meeting of the Board;

·         Minute 6(2) – Ian Ansell advised that the SARC user specifications had still not been published.  As soon as information was available he would update the Board;

·         Minute 6(3) – Judith Harwood reported that there was a lot of work going on and updates would be brought to the Board as and when appropriate.


Performance Report and Area of Under Performance pdf icon PDF 284 KB


The Board welcomed Rob Sowden who was in attendance to present the latest position in relation to Partnership’s performance targets.


Points of discussion included –


·         the outcome of the 3-month Partnership review would need to be reflected in the format of any future performance report which, it was suggested, should move away from being so data-heavy and be more inquisitive;

·         qualitative rather than quantitative data would enable assistance to be offered to partners in order to address problem areas identified (Sarah Hopkins offered to work with Rob on developing this with regard to SARC and Domestic Violence;

·         provision of a narrative alongside each performance measure would help clarify the position.  For example, with regard to the indicator ‘increase referrals to domestic abuse services’ being red, was that because more prosecutions were taking place or less were being referred?

·         the responsible sub-groups should be challenged where performance was failing with explanatory reports being brought back to the Board;

·         whether it would be useful to set tolerance levels, e.g. 15%

·         consideration should be given to identifying champions;

·         whether the data included reference to re-referrals – Rob Sowden to find out and report back;

·         the availability of data on offenders on more than 1 day but less than 12 months’ licenses;






the format of the performance report is updated to include –


·         a narrative against each item in order to provide some form of context, and

·         tolerance levels;




the Chair of the PDAS sub-group is invited to the next meeting to report on the failing performance indicator;




that some early indicator data in respect of offenders on more than 1 day but less than 12 months’ licenses would be brought to the next meeting;




to revisit the indicators following the Partnership review in 3 months’ time.



Safer Plymouth Partnership Strategic Assessment of Crime and Disorder 2015/16


Further to previous discussions on earlier agenda items and a request that the performance analysts undertake some deeper diving on some of the identified problem areas, it was agreed that consideration of this item be deferred until the next meeting.  In the meantime, the information requested would be ready for the Board’s away day on 14 August 2015.


Systems Leadership - Child Sexual Exploitation / Abuse


Agreed that Child Sexual Exploitation / Abuse would not be the focus of the Systems Leadership away day on 14 August 2015 (please refer to minute 3 above).


Collaborative Enforcement Pilot


Peter Aley reported that he had taken over responsibility for leading this pilot from Robin Carton and would provide future updates to the Board as and when appropriate, as opposed to it continuing as a standing item.  Members were advised that, since the last meeting, the results of the community consultation had identified concerns as being parking, rubbish and litter, drug dealing and people being drunk and rowdy.  That information was being fed into the work-stream to take the project forward in the community and this had been discussed with the new portfolio holder.


In response to questions raised, Members were advised that –




the issue of more formal sharing of powers was still being developed;




the name, whilst on reflection may not have been the most appropriate, should not become a sticking point -  something more acceptable could be used at ground level;




in terms of its governance and reporting structure, the pilot would report to the Safer Plymouth Partnership Board;




there would be a presentation to a future meeting of the Board to which community members would also be invited in order to give their perspective of the pilot’s progress.


The report was noted.


Victim Services


Ian Ansell provided the latest update with regard to Victim Services.  Members were advised that –




the service had been operating since 1 April and early indications were that it was working well;




they were seeing good examples of organisations working collaboratively;




a nurse would be sitting in each day and would be able to pick up any mental health issues arising and fast-track them through the relevant services;




further work was still required in a number of areas, including –


·         Domestic violence

·         Fraud

·         Volunteer Recruitment

·         Completion of Victim Needs Assessments to correct standard




the website was up and running and was being used with work under way to improve it and make it better.


The report was noted.


Peninsula Overview of Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation - Supporting the Development of a Serious and Organised Crime Local Profile


Peter Aley reported that clarification had now been received and that a series of organised crime profiles, themed around different issues, would be coming to Community Safety Partnerships.  The first one – Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation - had just been received and had been circulated to the Board.  The expectation was that the Board, on behalf of the Community Safety Partnership, should help develop and respond to the local profiles.  However, given the discussion the group held earlier on the agenda, it was suggested that it may be more appropriate to refer the paper to the CSE sub-group already established by the Plymouth Safeguarding Children’s Board.  As part of that process Members were encouraged to consider which community and voluntary services should be also be engaged so that information could be gathered and fed into the sub-group.  Any ideas would need to be fed back to Sarah by 3 August 2015.


Suggestions from round the table included inviting Barnardos or ZEBRA to contribute as well as looking to Cornwall to see how they were developing their profiles, as it had taken a different strategic approach with its CSE sub-group.


Dates of Future Meetings

·        Thursday 24 September 2015

·        Thursday 21 January 2016

·        Thursday 14 April 2016 (Provisional)           


All meetings will commence at 10am, venues to be confirmed.


·         Friday 14 August 2015 – Systems Leadership Away Day (Private Session)

·         Thursday 22 September 2015

·         Thursday 21 January 2016

·         Thursday 14 April 2016 (Provisional)


All meetings to commence at 10 am.