Agenda and minutes
Contact: Amelia Boulter Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chair welcomed all parties and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Apologies were noted as above.
The Chair reported that the last set of minutes were available to view and had been signed off.
The order of the agenda was changed to accommodate officers and therefore the YOS Inspection – presentation agenda item would be taken first on the agenda. |
YOS Inspection - Presentation Minutes: Siobhan Wallace and Caroline Dungate (Plymouth City Council) presented the Youth Offending Service Inspection presentation. It was reported that this board is the governance for the YOT and that there were a range of standards to follow and how the board should operate against these standards. This Board has the responsibility to ensure that we are working in partnership and have a preparedness for inspection.
Members discussed:
· the requirements of this board to understand the inspection and to ensure that Plymouth provides a good service to Youth Justice; · that the Youth Justice Board generates data on a quarterly basis and the sub-group reviews and scrutinises this data; · the youth justice pathway and children linked to re-offending was being reviewed by a multi-disciplinary group. This preventative work looking at FTE, reviewing the decision making process by the police and the differential decision making and using the trauma informed concept would fit really well around this work.
Action: For the Safer Executive to discuss this further and look at what was required in case of an inspection.
(To facilitate good meeting management this item was taken first on the agenda). |
Safer Plymouth Governance - Presentation Minutes: Simon Hardwick (Devon and Cornwall Police) and Tracey Watkinson (Plymouth City Council) took the partnership through the attached presentation –
The Chair thanked officers for the presentation and reported that it was important to reassess the direction of the partnership and to ensure effective leadership with streamlined themes to focus on.
Members discussed:
· supportive of streamlining the partnership but concerns were raised around the reoffending agenda which could be overlooked; · condensing of the Community Safety Plan and reviewing the plan through the trauma informed lens; · the wider context around deprivation, inequalities and the shift from individual behaviour and behaviour influenced by the environment as well as the wider understanding of trauma; · inclusive growth and co-operative economies and how to link this back into the plan.
Action: To include reoffending within each of the plans to be discussed at the next partnership meeting. |
Draft Strategic Assessment Minutes: Jackie Kings (Plymouth City Council) reported that the Draft Strategic Needs Assessment would be refreshed each year. It was reported that they reviewed a number of areas the partnership were trying to address and undertook a series of workshops to review all the themes.
The Chair thanked everyone involved and that the work undertaken had put the board in a good position moving forward.
Members discussed:
· the reporting of hate crime with the on-going of Brexit; · whether narrative alongside the reporting of hate crime on how communities were feeling and whether they had experienced an increase in this type of activity; · cyber-crime; · homelessness, rough sleepers, begging and moving people on. Change the descriptor to include an understanding of their vulnerability; · challenging the partnership’s use of language and the inclusion of environmental factors; · trauma informed and getting this right and for this to be included within the introduction of the document; · to gain a better understanding on how people and communities experience these things, realigning the focus and better engagement. Making it clear where our views have come from and whether in the future have a workshop involving the community/how they should be represented.
Action: All agreed to sign off the Strategic Assessment including the amendments. |
DA Leadership Update - Presentation Minutes: Laura Griffiths, Zoe Underwood, Anna Moss and Laura Juett were present for this item. It was reported that a bid for money was successful to help address the partnerships issues around domestic abuse. In February 2019 conversations took place with a number of stakeholders to think about domestic abuse in a different way, understanding on what it felt like to be part of the system, conversation on where we go next and that this was not a one off conversation. The board took part in an exercise and were asked to provide feedback following 4 stories shared.
Members discussed:
· this work to be looked at through the trauma informed lens; · the use of DASH in helping to changes to people’s lives.
The Chair reported that this was a helpful reflection and would empower the board to try different things in a safe way. This work to be revisited at the executive group and felt that there was general support to move in this direction.
Action: To revisit the Domestic Abuse Leadership work and next steps at the Executive Group. |
Any Other Business Under this item Tracey Watkinson (Plymouth City Council) shared the new multi-agency child safeguarding arrangements in Plymouth and Torbay which came into effect on 29 September 2019 and shared with the partnership the new website, Minutes: Under this item Tracey Watkinson (Plymouth City Council) shared the new multi-agency child safeguarding arrangements in Plymouth and Torbay which came into effect on 29 September 2019 and shared with the partnership the new website, |