Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
Contact: Democratic Advisor Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Vice Chair Minutes: The Committee agreed that Councillor Pauline Murphy would be Vice Chair for the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Chairs Urgent Business To receive reports on business, which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Minutes: There were no items of Chair’s urgent business. |
Session One - Welcome and Overview Minutes: Also in attendance: Councillor Evans OBE, Councillor Laing, David Draffan (Service Director for Economic Development), Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk), Tracey Lee (Chief Executive), David Northey (Interim Service Director for Finance) and Anthony Payne (Strategic Director for Place).
Councillor Evans OBE (Leader of the Council) provided an overview to the process and the conditions under which the budget was set:
The national economy
was inflicted with elevated
levels of inflation and the associated uplift in the
minimum wage wasaffecting the levels of
spending on the council budget; b)
Increases in costs to
Adult Social Care and Childrens Social Care, including SEND
costs and the
increase in cost of transport
for these individuals; c)
As many as one in five
councils were on the
cusp of bankruptcy; d)
As a top tier unitary
authority with more than 300 services to operate, certain choices would need to be
made to between the funding of certain services; e) There were strategies and funding in place for various projects, such as the Freeport, Levelling up bid, National MarinePark and shore power.
In response to questions, the following was discussed:
The aspirations and rationale of
the budget;
The outlook and impact of increased
funding in Children’s Services;
impact of the minimum wage
increase, pensions and Revenue Support Grant
Support for small schemes of money such as
community grants and living streets funds;
The 2% precept uplift for council
The potential savings from the
instigation of annual elections;
Workforce Productivity, flexible
working and building occupancy;
Risk Management and review of risk
management processes;
The Council Tax collection
Accessibility to
services, equality and
stakeholder engagement and consultation;
Economic development,
growth,investments and the quality of, social
values of and return on
said investments;
The capital programme
and the needs and allocated budget and the moving of revenue
to capital;
The localness and social values of
spending, investment and procurement; s) Staff sickness absence, well-being and the use of contractors/temps.
Session Two - Health and Social Care Minutes: Also in attendance: Councillor Aspinall, Councillor Lowry, Emma Crowther (Interim Head of Commissioning), Julie Frier (Consultant in Public Health Medicine), (Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk), David Northey (Interim Service Director for Finance) and Helen Slater (Lead Accountancy Manager).
Councillor Aspinall gave an overview of the Health and Adult Social Care (H&ASC) budget and discussed:
a) The 2023/24 Adult Social Care (ASC) budget was £88.859m including £107m for care packages. Budgets were offset by client income and grant funding;
b) The budget had supported 4,713 people in residential and nursing homes, community settings, and through direct payments;
c) ASC currently supported 3,620 individuals.Demand for support had approximately returned to pre-pandemic levels however, increased complexity of need and the ‘cost of living crisis’had resulted in considerable cost pressures;
d) Compared to the previous year, average weekly costs of residential care had risen 8.9%, nursing care had risen 18.6%, and domiciliary care packages had risen 10.7%;
e) The 2024/25 draft budget for ASC was £97 MM, which included a growth of £7.99 MM to reflect inflationary and demand pressures.
f) £3.448MM had been added to the budget to cover the rise in the National Minimum Wage however, confirmed figures of 11.44 /hr would require an additional £1.99 MM;
g) The Local Government Settlement was due on 19 December 2023 however, Government would not be providing financial resources to cover the increase in the National Minimum Wage;
h) Packages of care were tailor-made to individual’s needs, and were subject to review;
In response to questions, the Committee discussed:
i) The Local Authorities responsibility for ensuring ASC needs were met;
j) The impact of inflation and the cost of living on providers in the care market;
k) Close partnership between the PCC commissioning team and care providers to ensure quality and continuity of care;
The establishment
of ‘Caring Plymouth’ to
encourage and support people into caring
m) The Governments’ new restrictions on immigration could negatively affect the sector, particularly as many workers could not bring their families;
n) Positive discharge performance for Devon, Cornwall and Plymouth;
o) An estimated 6% rise for care fees and charges for those who were financially assessed as required to contribute toward their care;
p) The Government’s withdrawal of previous commitments to the development of the Colin Campbell Court, West End Hub;
q) The development of a Community Diagnostic Centre on the land at Colin Campbell Court;
r) Ongoing communications between PCC and NHS Devon ICB to improve the health outcomes of the city. ICB funding was frozen until 2025;
s) The impact of early intervention and treatment, both for long term wellbeing, and financial efficiency;
t) A Strategic Needs Assessment had been undertaken to assess the long term future needs of the city;
u) The recovery of waiting ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Session Three - Children and Young People Minutes: Also in attendance: Councillor Cresswell and Councillor Laing, Nigel Denning (Interim Service Director for Children, Young People and Families), Matt Fulton (Lead Accountancy Manager for Children, Young People and Families), Annie Gammon (Interim Service Director for Education, Participation and Skills), David Haley (Director of Children’s Services), Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk), and Louise Jenkins (Lead Accountancy Manager for Education, Participation and Skills).
Councillor Cresswell (Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Apprenticeships) gave an overview of education and highlighted:
a) There was a budget uplift of £1.37 million for expected cost and volume pressures in Home to School Transport (£1 million) and SEND short breaks (£0.37 million);
b) There was an overspend of £1.889 million due to an increase in the number of children meeting statutory thresholds at increasing costs related to home to school transport;
c) The number of children with an Educational Health Care Plan increased by 36%;
d) Additional funding of £2.42 million would be required in 2024/25 budget due to additional pressures within home to school transport;
e) The service would be looking to ensure children’s needs were being met in a school or specialist provision closer to home;
f) The Service was delivering the Local Area SEND action plan following a local area inspection in 2023 which would improve inclusion and school attendance and reduce mobility and exclusions;
g) All other budget pressures were predicted to be balanced for 2023/24;
h) Long term actions were being planned to control costs in 2024/25 and into the future;
i) The Council would look to maintain children and young people in their local schools rather than specialist provision;
j) The Council would increase the number of special schools and places in Plymouth to meet the increased demand into the future;
k) The Council was evaluating route optimisation for Home to School Transport and reduce single use taxi routes;
Councillor Laing (Cabinet Member for Children’s social care, Culture, Events and Communications) gave an overview of Children’s and highlighted:
l) Financial pressures for Children’s Social Care were due to high cost residential placements and the use of Independent Fostering Agencies;
m) Additional investment was provided to Children’s Social Care to manage capacity within the services;
n) Additional budget was proposed to provide additional capacity for the predicted number of families requiring a service from the Council;
o) A recruitment and retention package would be formulated to entice potential foster carers to the Council;
p) The Council was exploring new ways to help children and young people to live with their families under connected carer arrangements.
In response to questions, the following was discussed:
q) Good planning of special educational needs provision and lower transport costs;
r) The Council would look to provide as many placements as possible in mainstream schools;
s) The Council would be driving early intervention in both services to reduce the number of EHCP applications and to reduce the number of high cost placements for cared for children and young people;
t) Partnerships ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Session Four - Homelessness / Cost of Living Minutes: Also in attendance: Councillor Dann, Councillor Penberthy, Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk), Jackie Kings (Community Connections Strategic Manager), Giles Perritt (Assistant Chief Executive), Rachel Silcock (Community Empowerment & Operational Lead), Helen Slater (Lead Accountancy Manager), Chris Squire (Service Director for HROD), Gary Walbridge (Interim Strategic Director for People).
Councillor Dann (Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Sport, Leisure and HR & OD) introduced her budget area and highlighted:
The leisure budget was
one of the smaller parts of the
budget; b)
Budget pressures on HR
& OD; c)
Pressures on IT to keep
the Council safe, within a
tight budget; d)
A budget saving in
business support had not been
met; e) Cost of Living Action Plan.
Councillor Penberthy (Cabinet Member for Housing, Cooperative Development and Communities) introduced his budget area and highlighted:
The areas
his portfolio covered; g)
He wanted to focus on
homelessness, which had been rising nationally due to the
cost of living crisis, changes
to rental legislation; h)
2044 households
approached the Council for homelessness support in 2019/20, and the
forecast for 2022/23 was over
3700; i)
The increase in demand
had led to an increase in the number of households in emergency
accommodation and there had been an increase in the cost of nightly
paid accommodation; j)
A homelessness taskforce
had been set up to help drive a homelessness recovery plan as well
as develop a new plan for
homes; k)
Alternative forms of
temporary accommodation; l)
Increase in homelessness
prevention; m)
New affordable
accommodation; n) Additional money had been put into the budget for homelessness.
In response to questions, the following was discussed:
access to contact the Council, and provision for those who were not
able to contact digitally; p)
Rough sleeper
numbers fluctuated between
10-20 per night; q)
£1 million savings
target was achievable with
changes, meaning that
costs would be covered by housing benefit; r)
£10 million was to
be spent on family housing to help reduce the cost
of temporary
accommodation; s)
affordable housing provision and use of a direct delivery
model; t)
Plan for Homes 4 was due
to go to the Growth and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny
Committee in February 2024 for pre-decision
scrutiny; u)
Refugee and asylum seeker support
schemesand partnership
working; v)
Work with partners on
housing pipeline; w)
Utilisation of
technology and automation to be used for some
administrative tasks to free
up members of staff for other, more complex
tasks; x)
Blue badge application
support; y)
No separate budget for gypsy and traveller
encampments; z)
23 encampments in
2022/23, with an expected drop in
2023/24; aa)
Targeted hardening of sites of unauthorised
encampments; bb)Sites in the Joint Local Plan
were being focused on within
the Plan for Homes
4; cc)
There were no plans to release any land in 2024/25,
so no budget line for income on this
matter; dd)IT support provision within
community sector; ee)Modernisation of Plymouth City Council’s ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Session Five - Place Services Minutes: Also in attendance: Councillor Tom Briars-Delve (Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change), Councillor Mark Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport), Paul Barnard (Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure), Ross Jago (Head of Governance, Performance and Risk), Anthony Payne (Strategic Director for Place) and Philip Robinson (Service Director for Street Services).
(Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate
Change) gave an
overview of his budget area
and highlighted the following
points: a)
Services, including
Environmental Planning and Street Scene, was one of the largest departments in
the Council, comprised of nearly 500 staff
and had a gross budget of £41 million and a net budget of
£21 million; b)
The largest element of
Environmental Services was Street Scene and Waste Services which
stood at £8 million net, and included
waste recycling collection, street cleansing and
grounds; c)
Environmental Planning
had continued to help the Council access external and national
funding which woulddeliver
nature and community
projects; d)
The income for
Environmental Planning would increase in 2024-25 to £1.9
million; e)
Statutory services had
been carried out to over 123,000 households throughout 2022-23 and
the garden waste service had been
used by over 26,000
households; f)
The Climate Impact
Assessment Tool had been implemented and applied to all key decisions made by the
Council; g)
Carbon Literacy training
had been carried out with officers and
Councillors; h)
A total of over
£11 million of grand funding had been
secured to aid net zero infrastructure and sustainable transport
projects. Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport)gave an overview of his budget area and highlighted the following points:
The Department for
Transport visited the Bus Section
which resulted in a £1.6
million grant for a two year
period to maintain
and enhance the
network; j)
Active Travel Funding
had been successfully acquired and had enabled the delivery of Safer School Street
Programmes; k)
Plymouth was the best
Local Authority in the country at delivering cycle training for
children in Year 6; l)
Plymouth had been made the Vice-Chair of the
Peninsula Transport Board and Chair of the Rail Task-Force; m)
Living Streets Budget
for Councillors would be
reintroduced. In response to questions, the following was discussed:
All roads
in Plymouth were professionallymonitored and evaluated and
undertook an annual road condition
survey; o)
Section 106 updates for
all Councillors would be
reintroduced; p)
Plymouth City Council
were working towards a silver accreditation as a carbon literate
organisation; q)
Ongoing contract
negotiations were considered in the budget; r)
The awarded funding from
the Department for Transport (DFT) was awarded contractually to the
Council to spend on bus services;
A Bus Champion had been
introduced to be the go between the bus companies and members of
the public; t) Plymouth City Council had worked directly with Plymouth Energy Community resulting in an additional £3 million ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Recommendations Minutes: Requests of Government? ? Highlight the difficulty of operating services in the financial climate and: ? 1.
Request a
multi-year finance settlement for the Council
against demand-led costs; 2.
appropriate financial
uplifts to deal with
the Living Wage and inflation; 3.
Request a
review of Adult Social Care
Funding, so that funding
is allocated on
need/demand rather than
the ability of Councils to raise Council
Tax; 4.
Along-term strategic funding
solution for Homelessness; 5.
an increase in Local Housing Allowance
and request that the calculation of the
30th percentile of market
value is undertaken in April
2024; 6.
continuation of the Household Support
Fund; 7.
Reconsider recently
announced changes to immigration rules given the significant
impact this is likely to bring to bear on the Social Care
workforce; 8.
Review home to
school transport eligibility andadditional options which could
mitigate costs to the Local
Authority; 9. Highlight that the additional funding for highway maintenance (£366k in 23/24 and 24/25) isinsufficient for current requirements.?
Recommendations to Cabinet?
that work is undertaken to assess the impact upon
all council budgets of dealing with unauthorised encampments (UE)
and consider a centralised budget to deal with costs so that
service budgets are not impacted by UE; 11.
Welcome continuation of
current Community Grant Scheme and recommend an increased back to
£5,000 per member; 12.
Capital programme to
ensure that the programme is affordable for
the revenue budget; 13.
Recommend an
expansion of the
housing programme for Care
Leavers; 14. Recommend that a cross party working group is established to consider contractual arrangements for major projects and the methodology for procurement. ?
Congratulate the Cabinet on
Additional Funding
provided in the budget for Grass Cutting; 16.
The commitment to a new
Living Streets programme; 17.
Increased involvement of
Ward Councillors in discussion related to Section 106
Monies; 18.
Commitment to not
implementing Car Park charges where they are not currently in
place; 19. The new Bus Service Improvement Plan.